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  1. kuulani

    the most important thing about the World Series...

    Mariah is pretty nasty.
  2. kuulani

    Life begins at 30?

    Oooh, I could get used to that ;)
  3. kuulani

    All I want for Christmas ...

    Well, seeing as there are a couple of Christmas threads around already ... What are you asking Santa for this year? This is what I want: iPod
  4. kuulani

    Life begins at 30? was my very, very first girls night out since giving birth, leaving both husband and daughter at home. the gods must not have been happy with that, because before nalani and i even got out of the car, we were told that the movie theaters were closed because one of the theaters were on fire :(
  5. kuulani

    Life begins at 30?

    don't forget her chauffer that gets her to the theater in the first place :D
  6. kuulani

    Flying Lions

    isn't that picture crazy ... there's one man in the head part and another in the tail ... look how high he can phreakin' jump!!
  7. kuulani

    Holiday traditions

    Yup, so I get to open presents a few days before Christmas with nalani, on Christmas eve with my hubby, and on Christmas day with la familia. :clap:
  8. kuulani

    pink eye epidemic

    yup, that's the dumb cousin ... whose sister AND mother are nurses. Idiot! greenie - the baby was pitiful when she had it. I hate when she's ill, she makes me soooooooo sad. [pink eye paranoia] you know that feeling you get when someone starts talking about lice and your head starts...
  9. kuulani

    Holiday traditions

    Not spending Christmas Eve with my family like that would upset me too, especially as it holds so much fond memories. I understand that your siblings want to spend time with their families, but they'll have plenty of time for that - if it were me, and its not, I would want my kids to spend time...
  10. kuulani

    Life begins at 30?

    It's probably the self-conscious-people-staring-at-me issue that stops me from going out alone. Maybe its because I live in such a small town, I'll guarantee see someone I know, who may feel "forced" to invite me to join them, making me a third wheel. I don't know :shrug: But, unlike the...
  11. kuulani

    pink eye epidemic

    There is a pink eye epidemic flying around Hilo :( My sister has had it twice in a month ... my husband, my daughter, the kids/teachers at the school located on the same property as my office, they've all had it. There are two forms of it around, viral and bacterial. Well, the thing that...
  12. kuulani

    Flying Lions

    ^^ Oops. I just noticed this was an article from last year's competition.
  13. kuulani

    Flying Lions

    If you've ever seen one of these competitions, they're kickass!! Basically, you have two men in a Chinese lion outfit, jumping from platform to platform, doing flips and what-not. These platforms are barely big enough for a person to stand on, some being 6+ ft in the air! Hawaii Channel
  14. kuulani

    Life begins at 30?

    I'm still at a point in my life where I can't eat at a restaurant alone or go to the movies alone. I wonder if that will ever change?
  15. kuulani

    Movies in the park

    yup, very good times ... so good, in fact, that i had to drag my too tired butt out of bed this morning *yawn* *still wants to watch Coming to America* And who would've thought that Labrynth would be out at Blockbusters. What are the chances that some other phreak would want to watch that...
  16. kuulani

    So many guests...

    I noticed that too ...
  17. kuulani


    *gropes around some more*
  18. kuulani


    *gropes anything that moves*
  19. kuulani

    Life begins at 30?

    Life begins at 30? I have 3 more years to be born ;) Seriously though, I never had a problem with aging. Maybe because my social circle includes people of all ages, from 18 to 40-somethings.
  20. kuulani


    I found said bottle, hidden away. But, my untrusting self refused to use it, fearing it was tampered with.