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  1. kuulani

    War on Ice

    Last night during prime time, all 5 local channels aired a documentary about Hawaii's crystal meth problem ... it's about damn tiime Hawaii started to do something about it :mad:
  2. kuulani

    Where the hell

    Gato!! I was just thinking about you :kiss:
  3. kuulani

    Does it ever really go away?

    Nixy & Noite have it basically down. My ethnicity, in part, makes me do the things I do & feel the way I feel. For example, I'm pretty sure, if I wasn't Hawaiian, I would feel prouder to be American.
  4. kuulani

    Storm freaks

    Oooh, there was once a cloud that made me stop, get out of the car, and take a picture of ... this cloud was so dark and ominous it gave me goosebumps!!
  5. kuulani

    Does it ever really go away?

    Technically, when people ask my NATIONALITY, I'm forced to say "American", due to the actions of the past, but that's not my ETHNICITY, which is Hawaiian, Japanese and Chinese. To me, there's a difference :shrug:
  6. kuulani

    Bowling for Columbine

    So we were watching this documentary last night, about Columbine and other school shootings, and the question my husband brought up was, How come only white school shootings make headlines, when there are shootings happening in minority areas daily?
  7. kuulani

    Does it ever really go away?

    My husband and I got around to talking last night about our daughter's ethnicities (Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, and Welch). Anywho, I mentioned that our daughter is 1/16 Chinese. Now, here's my question. Does that ever phase out? I mean 1/16 is a really tiny amount. If she doesn't marry...
  8. kuulani

    "You know what I should have said?"

    Nobody follows the school speed zone at the school I work at ... in fact, not a week goes by where an idiot doesn't peel out in a cloud of smoke.
  9. kuulani

    he's not dead? but he is?

    *twilight zone music fills the air*
  10. kuulani

    The Death Penalty

    My husband and I watched that Michael Moore documentary last night, "Bowling for Columbine", and he had this whole thing about how 10,000+ people in America were murdered in a year, while other "civilized" countries had only a 100 or so murders.