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  1. brainsoft

    One word post

  2. brainsoft

    One word post

  3. brainsoft

    One word post

  4. brainsoft

    One word post

  5. brainsoft

    VBR MP3s? I think not! VBR circuitry!

    I don't know if any of you have been over to the Sun site lately, but check out this article. 10 years of research and development had finally come to head with a working prototype. Not only that, it's twice as fast as current cpus. SDR/DDR will mean squat with this new Tech...
  6. brainsoft

    Anyone play diablo 2?

    These are very different statments... :confused:
  7. brainsoft

    Programming language assistance

    I'm learning JAVA2 right now, then C and C++, and much later on, perl, php and cgi (probably not in that order). I'd go for C++ or JAVA2. I'd not was my time on BASIC things, vb is just too slow for realistic programs larger than a few bytes. JAVA's multiplat form, but don't forget MS isn't...
  8. brainsoft

    How many usernames do you use?

    I'm brainsoft everywhere I am. EVERYWHERE I GO. I'm also Tiberius and a few large landmasses.. GO CANADA!
  9. brainsoft

    Speak Easy my ARSE

    Isn't Wine your boss? :confused:
  10. brainsoft

    OCN boards?

    I've seen it at another UBB6 board as well. Then right afterwords, I was actually a different user, I had his pass and name and i never understood it. Took 2 secs to fix, but damn was it weird! When everyone was having those problems, I went to check too, but I didn't have the problem like...
  11. brainsoft

    pong 3d

    During the game it said my score was 758 or something like that, but when I finish, my highscore is only 134? FU Pong!
  12. brainsoft

    i'm drunk

    If you're not already on the top most floor, make sure you head UP! Everyone knows it's much easier to escape a building from the TOP, away from every possible exit then it is from the bottom.
  13. brainsoft

    I just cut the hell out my finger

    These stories are lovely! I ran into a wall once, on my dad's b-day (Dec 31) and had to go t to the hospital for 3 stiches. Was running around and around and SMACK into the freshly plastered wall; my mom had just plastered the corners that afternoon: nice and sharp... A few years later at...
  14. brainsoft


    Let us see if XP makes it out of the gates first, or if the courts stop it's release. That's why it's being pushed through so fast, MS is afraid of the courts stopping it.
  15. brainsoft

    Interesting read on the innards of your next PC

    Very interesting, I've not even heard of PCI-X, but I know more today than I did yesteray :)
  16. brainsoft

    Is your computer male or female?

    If that were true, I'd already have a bunch of computers here, but I don't! A Cel400 w/ 96mb ram is plenty for you.
  17. brainsoft

    Check out my new computer case

    I know a guy that modded his comp into a briefcase! It was the coolest computer mod I've ever seen!
  18. brainsoft

    Is your computer male or female?

    Don't be silly kitten, I'D keep the offspring! You could have the mother though! maybe breed it with yours; THEN you could keep the offspring. :p
  19. brainsoft


    You speak as if from experience Mr Hasselhoff