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  1. brainsoft


    I concur Fury. Probably a little bit of both actually!:eek:
  2. brainsoft

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    fixed your title for you Sin :) (wrong place at first, but fixed now)
  3. brainsoft

    new game controller

    bwwahahaa. I'll do it! Most people are concerned about the shockpads, but that controller doesn't look too comfortable in the first place to me.
  4. brainsoft

    Anyone play diablo 2?

    Me, not so much, it was too dated for me when it came out. Nox, I liked Nox though. T'was much to short though.
  5. brainsoft

    Anyone play diablo 2?

    Sin's still around, what do you mean? Get Sin and Huge in here, I believe they play a lot. Posty too, he loves it.
  6. brainsoft

    Great Audio Streams!

    The Real Audio stream from That's the Station I listen to if I'm listening to te radio. Ask Jim, he knows, it rocks.
  7. brainsoft

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    hmm, already one of these *merge*
  8. brainsoft

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    wow He's hard ;) :p
  9. brainsoft

    When did you lose your virginity?

    I was 17, she as 16... wait, deja vu? I think I read this one up there somewhere...
  10. brainsoft

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    Napoleon, I hate that guy. My English Teacher, Mrs. Vilicious.
  11. brainsoft

    Goodbye, my friend

    If you want to save a real life right now, then DONATE BLOOD. You'll save a life even sooner that way, and you get something to show for it (a nifty card, and cookies).
  12. brainsoft

    Standard place to install stuff?

    hey, I should try that some time! Perhaps Ill put /sbin there?
  13. brainsoft

    Standard place to install stuff?

    /usr/local/bin/ it is! :D
  14. brainsoft

    Standard place to install stuff?

    I can't see any directories in there already, so it's not a very normal place I don't think. IT's got the executables in it, and links to exes, but no folders for the REST of the program.
  15. brainsoft

    Standard place to install stuff?

    Doesn't just apply to StarOffice, but to anything I would install. Genome for example, among other things.
  16. brainsoft

    Standard place to install stuff?

    Let's say I were to download and install StarOffice 5.2. Where would be the most normal place to install it to? I don't want it in my home dir, I want it easily accessable to everyone.
  17. brainsoft

    Star Office 5.2 is here

    I just installed that! I recently installed that myself! God, does that little machine ever need more ram!
  18. brainsoft

    icq with activelist capability for mandrake

    really? That means it'd run on linux right, provided it loads?
  19. brainsoft

    icq with activelist capability for mandrake

    I never had any luck finding one either! Isn't that unbelievable?! I would have thought that with all the ICQ clones out there, there would be atleast ONE with AL support! Going to Drake any day now on this machine too. Just need a bootable copy of Win98 SE now, I'm using Win98 and Drake I...