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  1. brainsoft

    WinALL tip of the day #8

    This is true for all windows machines, hell for all machines, but some people don't realize that you don't need a hub for such a small LAN. ICS is VERY easy to set up, so this is idea for a 2-comp LAN. 8) Wanna network but don't have all the stuff? If you want to network two winXP machines...
  2. brainsoft

    WinXP tip of the day #7

    Every enjoyed the thought of a new feature, but didn't quite like the way it was implemented. For me, the grouping of multiple common windows, like IE ones, was a nice idea, but it wasn't functional enough for me. Maybe I couldn't appreciate it fully, running at 1600x1200 res, but this tweak...
  3. brainsoft

    WinXP tip of the day #6

    Little browsing tweak for y'all. My firewall does this for me as well, so I personally didn't notice a difference, but give it a shot for yourself! 6) XP browsing speed up tweak when you connect to a web site your computer sends information back and forth, this is obvious. Some of this...
  4. brainsoft

    WinXP tip of the day #5

    I know it's been a while, I've been busy. I've been messing around with XP a lot, and have had many driver issues and such. PLUS, everything I download is corrupt,making it exceedingly difficult to download drivers.... Anyways, I'm back and i'll post a few more XP tips, 3 perhaps, tonight...
  5. brainsoft

    MsConfig for Windows 2000

    Cool, thanx a bunch. In my quest to find something like this, I stumbled across Startup Control Panel. It has much, but now I have everything I'm looking for!
  6. brainsoft

    It was only a matter of time

    S'ok, I was looking for it for someone else, and I found it shortly afterwords.
  7. brainsoft

    It was only a matter of time

    Have you guys seen a Counter-Strike skin like that?
  8. brainsoft

    Is anyone interested in XP tips?

    so for the recent lack, i'll try to post some more soon
  9. brainsoft

    WinXP/2k Tip of the Day #2

    thanx! Seems we can help each other out! weeeee
  10. brainsoft

    WinXP/2k Tip of the Day #2

    Now I just need to make it point to D:\ and I'm all set! You could also just make a shortcut for Explorer.sfc (I think that's the extension), that opens at C:\ automatically. I want it open at D:\ though!
  11. brainsoft

    WinXP tip of the day #4

    Here's a bunch of tips and importany information. 1.When setting up the system with tweaks or making changes to the core OS or hardware always be logged in as administrator. Seems that while XP does create an account upon install that has administrator privileges, its not the same as the...
  12. brainsoft

    WinXP Tip of the Day #3

    This one is good practice for ANY OS. Backup your Fresh install After you complete your clean install and get all your software installed I would recommend that you use something like Drive Image 3 or 4 to do an image of your install partition, then burn the image to CD and keep it. XP is a...
  13. brainsoft

    WinXP/2k Tip of the Day #2

    Sorry it's late from the other day =) Windows Explorer Tip When launched in Windows Millennium/Win2k/WinXP,Explorer by default will open the "My Documents" folder. Many people prefer the behavior from previous versions of Windows, where Windows Explorer would open and display "My Computer"...
  14. brainsoft

    XP Tip of the Day #1a and #1b

    #1b Here's how to check if your copy of XP is Activated! Go to the run box and type in oobe/msoobe /a and hit ok ...theirs your answer
  15. brainsoft

    XP Tip of the Day #1a and #1b

    I'll try to do these things regularly. Contact me on ICQ if you need some help or some of the programs these tips may mention. ENJOY! PS: I also have a bunch of PowerTools you may be interested in.
  16. brainsoft

    XP Tip of the Day #1a and #1b

    Never re-activate after a new installation If you have to reinstall Windows XP you normally will have to re-activate too. Well not anymore. Just copy wpa.dbl after you activated the first time. It is located in the system32 folder. Now if you reinstall Windows XP just copy the file back and...
  17. brainsoft

    A letter to MS...

    That's exactly what it is, a Linux distro written by an ex-microsoft employee. From the shots I've seen, it looks very much like Windows. Too much for my tastes.
  18. brainsoft

    Is anyone interested in XP tips?

    Okay! I'll do it, I got lots here!
  19. brainsoft

    Is anyone interested in XP tips?

    I have a slew in useful XP Tips, many of them apply to Win2k as well. If you guys are interested I'd be glad to post them on a regular basis. I just don't want to waste my time if no one cares.
  20. brainsoft

    Mac OS X basically unix with a pretty shell. does this mean...

    I thought it was actually planned to run ong x86 as well as Apple hardware, I wonder if there was any truth in that? I know I would give it a shot if it were true!