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  1. unclehobart

    the most important thing about the World Series...

    Its still a New York victory ... after all.. the majority of the Miami population are retired and wrinkled New Yorkers.
  2. unclehobart


    Only 2 weeks lead time? Thats cutting it rather tight.
  3. unclehobart

    Life begins at 30?

    So your desire was to be the hot mama of the silver screen? I can see that. :)
  4. unclehobart

    pink eye epidemic

    You forgot to add: apply a minimum of 6 times a day.
  5. unclehobart

    Life begins at 30?

    lol.. be thou humble lest Pele raise an eyebrow at thine pride and make something really uncool happen. :D
  6. unclehobart

    All I want for Christmas ...

    I want santa to reduce my credit card debt by one digit.
  7. unclehobart

    pink eye epidemic

    you too, mitch? :D This 'hard one' stuff seems to be a tragic disease that befalls all young men with intent to travel to the islands.
  8. unclehobart

    the most important thing about the World Series...

    Perhaps he likes his women a little on the parboiled side of schizo.
  9. unclehobart

    Life begins at 30?

    When people stare as your soloness, just whip out a notepad and make some scribbles like you're some kind of stern newspaper critic. It makes for good camouflage ... and might even land you a perk or two at the restaurants.
  10. unclehobart

    pink eye epidemic

    Ta-da! People are stoooopid. They cannot be trusted to self-police. You have to take the upper path and just go ahead an isolate yourself instead.
  11. unclehobart

    Movies in the park

    *gasp* Shes trying to thrust popcorn upon me.
  12. unclehobart

    Which star wars character are you?

    Not evil ... just ... practical. *evil ..erm.. practical grin*
  13. unclehobart

    Holiday traditions

    I give my father right of first refusal since he is all alone on his side of the family. His parents are dead and he was an only child .. so I am all that he has. So if he desires my presence in some way, I oblige. We end up doing Chrsitmas CDs all day and cook 5 times as much food as we can...
  14. unclehobart

    Movies in the park

    I'm available ... I would have made the time... but I dare say a last second ticket out there would have set me back a few grand.
  15. unclehobart

    Which star wars character are you?

    Han Solo Chancellor Palpatine
  16. unclehobart

    Movies in the park

    Y'know.. Ive neer seen the Neverending Story all the way through. You should have invited me. :D I love the spirit of death masked as a demon wolf ... kick ass! I wonder how they would react to something like the Princess Bride.
  17. unclehobart

    Movies in the park

    Last year was Willow. I would suggest the Dark Crystal for this year ... but being a 20 year old film, I'm sure hes never heard of it. I would suppose that the momentum would be behind Harry Potter for this year.
  18. unclehobart


    I'm not sure that I should stop moving.. or start moving vigorously. How cold are your hands?
  19. unclehobart


    Did you ever find that lost bottle of conditioner?
  20. unclehobart

    Life begins at 30?

    I feel better now at 34 than i ever did at 19 or 21. Youth is overrated. What good is youth when you still have rampant acne, no money, a bad attitude, rampaging hormones, skewed visions of worth, and precious little wisdom?