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  1. unclehobart

    Home Depot

    Was the place blessed?... or does such a thing have to wait for the completion of construction first? How many trees and of what type are we talking about here?
  2. unclehobart

    Pra and SK get married (pics inside)

    I was wondering why everything looked so vibrant and warm considering that they are in the middle of New York and everything should have been a wee bit dormant. Twas nice to resurface the thread as I missed it the first time around and always did wonder what went down with those two. I was...
  3. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    I am far from being a twigg, mr sammy. :D I'm starting to feel a need to have a blowout for psychological reinforcement. I wonder if its possible to somehow combine cheesecake and pizza in one fell swoop.
  4. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    What are your vital statistics, Jonas? ...If I may be so bold as to ask.
  5. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    I'm feeling little these days as I now weigh less than my dad and can fit into his clothes. I haven't been in that position since I was 9.
  6. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    Don't worry, Ink. It seems that the babes are all over you anyway. The heavier you get, the more they fly their moths tighter to the flame.
  7. unclehobart

    I just wanted to say...

    ooo... You did the English accent very well. I would have to say that I detected a bit of stacatto estuary in your voice, govn'r.
  8. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    My drummer is 6'6 and currently at 245 looking to get down to 210. 225 @ 6'4 should be a decent enough place to settle out. All it takes is months of stubborn denial and exercise. Scott... Don't worry about... after all, aren't you like 6'1? You're supposed to be heavier. I'm only 5'10 1/2...
  9. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    Yes, I am going to Hawaii in December over the christmas/new years gap. Les, I've bought 4 pairs of jeans over the last 6 weeks (10$ Wal-Mart specials :)) so that I would have: a) something that would kind of fit and b) something a bit warmer for winter. I have one pair of jeans that 'fit'...
  10. unclehobart

    girls night out

    And no jerking-jerking flicks for the fellas either.
  11. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    I'll try to keep the screaming and hair pulling to a dull roar then. Expectant mommies need their peace and quiet after all.
  12. unclehobart

    Anniversary Wishlist

    At least you honeymooned in Hawaii ... just like everyone else across the states. :D
  13. unclehobart

    girls night out

    Prince Kuhio Theaters: Brother Bear Family (G) 01:25 SHOWTIMES: • 12:30 • 2:40 • 4:50 • 7:00 • 9:10 Elf Comedy (PG) 01:35 SHOWTIMES: • 12:00 • 2:25 • 4:50 • 7:15 • 9:40 The Matrix Revolutions SciFi (R) 02:09 SHOWTIMES: • 10:00 AM...
  14. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    It feels good in that general endurance is up, sweating is way down, headaches are manageable, and blood pressure has fallen. I miss the hell out of creaming my tea and gooey pizza. Ku'u, I'll offer my advice when I get there. It at least gives me an excuse for face time with you and a reason...
  15. unclehobart

    You heard it here first...

    After 5 1/2 months of Atkins dieting.. with some cheating for sanity, 5 miles of running/hiking, and 2 hours in the gym(the last 2 months only) 5-6 times a week... I have finally hit the sub 200 pound level. I got on the scale this morning and did a doubletake because it said 199.6. I only...
  16. unclehobart

    Anniversary Wishlist

    Which suite did you have? Theres a wicked price swing from 175-375 a night depending.
  17. unclehobart

    Who's Who? He's the one on first, that's who.

    I'm sure its a basic 'covet' thingy that resides deep in the hearts of all mankind. We all want to be rockstars and moviestars ... but when we get it.. we want to be nobody again so that we can have a moments peace and quiet.
  18. unclehobart

    Want some toxins to go with that juice?

    Poison or no poison ... it probably keeps my innards squeaky clean. :p Were probably all addicted to phosphates by now.
  19. unclehobart

    Let's get a starty parted!
