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  1. Spot

    How can you tell when a tranny is about to go?

    is it a manual transmission? i'm guessing either the clutch or torque converter is going
  2. Spot

    Want some toxins to go with that juice?

    well..there goes my excuse for always adding vodka to my orange juice...
  3. Spot

    Let's get a starty parted!

  4. Spot

    the most important thing about the World Series...

    Jeter is a punk... said the Red Sox fan.
  5. Spot

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    maybe its just be dirty injectors or a problem in the fuel line like a clogged gas filter or something... any hesitation when you hit the gas?
  6. Spot

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    where does the rattle noise seem to come from? my old '98 stang needed to have the rear diff repaired (cant remember the exact problem, was a few years ago). it made a rattling/crunching noise when i was taking right turns, especially at lower speeds. never saw any fluids on the ground, just...
  7. Spot

    Comedy Room

    The Welfare Office - A guy walks into the local welfare office, marches straight up to the counter and says "Hi. I want you to know that I hate drawing welfare and I'd really rather have a job." The man behind the welfare desk says, "Well, your timing is excellent. We just got a job...
  8. Spot

    Apple launching iTunes for Windows

    i want an i-pod, or some other portable mp3 player, more than the subscription service. i've already got a decent amount of music on the computer that i would like to cart around. if the service was simple anough and cheap enough iwould use it. i refuse to believe that they only make $0.10 per...
  9. Spot

    First Starbucks, then ...

    around here, starbucks seems to be confined to malls. we have dunkin donuts every 2-3 miles. never heard of jamba juice.
  10. Spot

    Thought of the day

    :laugh: i've bitched about the wheel-less mice at work before...the co-workers just give me a " yeah...whatever dude" look....
  11. Spot

    Gay/Lesbian religious unions (Marriage)

    talk about unrequited love.... according to the church, those people are an affront to god
  12. Spot

    Idiot Mothers

    the kid was released from the hospital today. at least she is ok.
  13. Spot

    Gay/Lesbian religious unions (Marriage)

    splitting hairs. if 2 people love each other enough to commit their lives to each other its a marriage. put them in seperate boxes if you wish, but it all means the same thing.
  14. Spot

    So how's your spelling?

    23 #1 reason why is in my favorites list
  15. Spot


    robert parker is the author. there are about 20 of them.
  16. Spot


    his character was cooler in the books....
  17. Spot


    i was working in Boston when "Spence: For Hire" was on. watched them film the show many a time. boring work. either that or the actors were really really really bad. must have taken 5-15 tries for each scene. fun to watch though.
  18. Spot

    Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide!

    took a couple of times reading this to get it... :retard2:
  19. Spot

    Court blocks Do-Not-Call registry

    same here you'd think that if 50 million people said "go away", they'd get the hint... heard on the news the other day that they were trying to do the same thing for junk mail. about time. save a few million trees.
  20. Spot

    test drive

    yup and 300 lb/ft of torque too. :D my WRX corners like its on rails. i didn't get to drive the STi in any twisties, but with the suspension/brake upgrades, it must be a LOT of fun...