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  1. Spot

    Is anyone seriously stupid enough to think the Super Bowl was fixed?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: this is a funny thread...wish i saw it sooner....
  2. Spot

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    those anemone are nice. will have to look for them to compliment the daisies we already have. nice lilies too
  3. Spot

    What new games are comming out i should be looking into?

    i may buy a PS2 just to play GT4
  4. Spot

    We've got WORMS!!!

    no worm problems here....
  5. Spot

    hello everyone

    this is true...especially at 2am when the g/f is trying to sleep...
  6. Spot

    hello everyone is rather dark here....
  7. Spot


    :laugh: :laugh: i have to press the popcorn button up to 3 times, depending on the size of the bag. thats just too much commitment for a snack... :laugh:
  8. Spot


    maybe because for a lot of guys, opening a package, placing it in the microwave, pushing a few buttons and waiting is too involved a process....:grin:
  9. Spot

    hello everyone

    just wanted to say hello. :banana: