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  1. Q

    Ready for christmas

    Huge, that tree is gorgeous! These are kinda cool instead of gift certificates.
  2. Q

    Name change

    Posty Posty Posty Posty Posty PostyPosty Posty PostyPostyPosty
  3. Q

    am I beating a dead trojan horse here?

    Also, I was poking around HWC too and stumbled on this dandy link from Bink I've heard of it before but I never bothered to check it out...It's AdAware. There was a big ol pile of crap hiding on my HDD. I ran that thing after I did the virus scan, just to see if it...
  4. Q

    am I beating a dead trojan horse here?

    I GOT IT OUT THIS MORNING!!!!!!!:dance: I was cruising around the symantec website this morning and I discovered a step I missed in the manual removal instructions, so I did that step, ran a scan....and the demon was exorcized from mah computah....:evillaff:
  5. Q

    What computer parts are you hoping to get for X-mas?

    :cry: no puter parts for me this xmas afterall....I gotta buy a motor for my truck:banghead:
  6. Q


    :dance:*twirls on head* ....cable rocks!!!
  7. Q

    am I beating a dead trojan horse here?

    Ya know, I was thinking about that. I mean so far, other than losing my volume control, nothing bad is happening.....but I don't really want to take a chance of spreading this damn thing around, if it is in there.:eh:
  8. Q

    Sex, Sex, Sex

    Fortunately for Nixy she doesn't have to abide by G duh-bya's bullshit unless she chooses to drive across the border.
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    am I beating a dead trojan horse here?

    Back up.....what??:smash: This fucker's in there...and I don't know where. It's in 3 files, but I don't know which 3. ....what if I back up an infected file? It took me a whole year to rebuild my MP3 collection and now I gotta trash the whole thing:cry::banghead:
  10. Q

    am I beating a dead trojan horse here?

    Re: Re: am I beating a dead trojan horse here? OK!!! All kidding aside, if I ever met one of these smart ass little script kiddies face to face I'd take him apart with my bare hands. ....AND I would LIKE it....alot:evillaff:
  11. Q

    am I beating a dead trojan horse here?

    OMG!!!! :cry:
  12. Q

    am I beating a dead trojan horse here?

    Well. I already have Norton on there, so I can't install any other av software unless I completely remove Norton.:scared: I'll check out that website though, thanks.