original food fight thread


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
*peeking from behind Q & DA, I lob a spam & musTURD at NEO-use a fire hose to spread chicken salad over Fuser, Flavio & Spirit, spread cream cheese over DPs hardened ni**les & shoot a cannonful of lsd-laced kool-aid over the remaining crowd. Then I stand erect.(oh, & victorious too)-awaiting the next orders from the Queen & Misstress Deluxe*

*with no orders, but ladies, cumming, I ride off into the sunset in my SUPERGONZO style, alone, brazen & grinning like a mad-dog. Turning and looking at the mess & the 2 beauties I leave behind. I can't help but wonder-What the hell am I doing? leaving Q & DA lying there? So, I turn my SUPERCHOPPER around & return, peaceful at last*


Staff member
Fried green tomatoes.. :lol: we laugh at fried green tomatoes.
*pulls slingshot out of sidesaddle weapon stash on SUPERCHOPPER lobs fried green tomato remnants back at fuser*
now...how the hell did he survive my cow attack?

*drops off package of rotten fish and linburger cheese for furys lawyer at post office*postage due, of course :lol:


Staff member
Originally posted by unclehobart
(flicks sesame seeds at passers by)
Oh that'll scare 'em! :scared:

*digs hairy lint covered rolaids from bottom of purse...shoots them at unc*

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Originally posted by Q

now...how the hell did he survive my cow attack?

I have cow radar. Was able to run away in time.

look under table for old bubblegum and hurls it at Q.


Staff member
Originally posted by unclehobart
(upgrades to spent sunflower seed shells and flicks them at Q's chunky loafers)
Queens don't wear chunky loafers....what's wrong with you??? :rolleyes: dangles foot with purple flip flop at unc...see??

*Fills Super Soaker II with grape kool-aid....blasts unc right in the cod-piece* (we all know grape kool-aid stains...if ya don't believe it, ask your mom)


Staff member
Originally posted by Fuser Man
look under table for old bubblegum and hurls it at Q.
Oh, I'm real scared of bubblegum :p

*grabs hockey stick, slap shots raw eggs in fusers general direction* ...she shoots....she SCORES!!!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The fun part of the LSD-laced kool-aid is.....this isn't really happening.

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
I don't think so missy. Your American, I'm Canadian. That makes me the better hockey player everyday of the week! Glove save, what a beauty! Cracks eggs open mixes them with cheese, ham, onions, dog food, cat food, hamster pellets, and milk. Cooks for two minutes on high and sends the RCAF with their Chicken Canon to Q house.


Staff member
*GASP* it's not??? .......it is too!

*hoists a giant pumpkin up to the acme® cattle launcher*


Staff member
Originally posted by Fuser Man
I don't think so missy. Your American, I'm Canadian. That makes me the better hockey player everyday of the week! Glove save, what a beauty! Cracks eggs open mixes them with cheese, ham, onions, dog food, cat food, hamster pellets, and milk. Cooks for two minutes on high and sends the RCAF with their Chicken Canon to Q house.
First of all....it's Q castle! second of all the Sabres made it to the play-offs....third of all those mounties don't have no chicken cannon (and a cow launcher trumps a chicken cannon anyway)

*sprays milk with the oreo spoo in the bottom at fuser and his silly air force.* I mean air farce :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
How, may I question, do you break open eggs with hockey gloves on?

see, it's an acid trip.

*It's time for the serious artillery. SUPGONZO, in fear for Q's safety, reaches deep into the SUPERCHOPPERs saddlebags & finds the MickeyD Czechoslavakian beer 1/4pounder from last month based fish stew. Sets the anti-anti food repellent to level 11, aims the anti-ballistic missle treaty breaking G.O.N.Z. heat seeking moisture millsle at Flavio & FIRE!!FIRE!!FIRE!!-it first looks at DA, Q, DP & Spirit, then realizing it's got a job to do-splatters the now LSDinduced dance of the sugar plum fairies in which Flavio in engaged as he wanders towards "It's a Small world" with a large grin on his face. DIRECT Hit is the report from Chopper 4-an ACNBC/CBC affilliate.*


Staff member
*sticks a large blue cotton candy in flavs hair as he wobbles over to It's a Small World* (nice hair ornament flav) :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
*now that Flavio is disposed of, the MickeyD Czechoslavakian beer 1/4pounder from last month based fish stew is set towards the canuck Fuser & his AirFarce. Since the SUPERCHOPPER is also an Apache Attack Helicopter with Warp Speed Nacelles attached, he flies in a southern direction, goes to Wfactor2 & hits "Engage ". Immediatelly, dis-engaging warp drive as we pass the Antarctic & using the power of momentum, we sneak up on Fuser & KABAM-POW-HRECK take out all the enemy aircraft in sight.*

This episode of Q, DA & SUPERGONZO is brought to you by Tyson Chicken

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
You forget we don't have fighter jets! Loads Chicken Canon with Anne Murry and fires her across the boarder. I know she's not a food but you can have her!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member

Even SUPERGONZO can't take Anne Murray and her zucchini bread :(