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  1. fury

    I am using icq again

    At my height of ICQ usage, I had about 180 people on my contact list, and about 5-10 were on at any given moment in time. Those 5-10 were usually from the same group of about 20 people that still came online every once in a while.
  2. fury

    Addictive tests.....

    <font face="verdana,arial,geneva,helvetica" size="3">Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on: <CENTER><FONT SIZE="+4">January 10, 2047</FONT> <FONT SIZE ="+2">at the age of <font color = "red">61</font> years old.</FONT></CENTER> On that date you will most likely die from...
  3. fury

    razor etiquette

    Well I do. I've had about 200 watts go through me before. I couldn't feel or lift my arm for the next half hour. :retard:
  4. fury

    My bed-capades

    I have a nice twin-size bed that I sleep on. I still hang off of the edges, despite its relatively large size for a twin-size bed.
  5. fury

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    No, no, you got it all wrong, it goes like this: Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :wave: :D
  6. fury

    Whacked story of the day

    If there were an award for "Epitome of Whackedness", this would be a top candidate. :retard:
  7. fury

    We're getting ours, finally

    Wir gaben Ihnen eine Antwort nicht, weil wir nicht die Frage verstanden. :)
  8. fury

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hey, oypid! Genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt, Aufenthalt so lang, wie Sie mögen, und ich hoffe, daß Sie es hier mögen! :wave:
  9. fury

    Post your desktop!

    (English) We do not speak german well, and is not translating it very good. Do you want to know how to take a picture of your desktop? Press the Print Screen key on your keyboard (also known as SysRq ), and then paste the data into an image editing program...
  10. fury

    Someone I knew...

    (Roughly translated: Good friends are hard to find) Das ist sehr zutreffend. (That is very true)
  11. fury

    Interesting picture

    I did. Some person came out of the doorway. Was there something else I was supposed to see?
  12. fury

    Too Many Disks™

    ¤ disk(c:) 4gb (1.82gb free, 16509 total files, 1139 folders) ¤ ¤ disk(d:) 53.25gb (35.63gb free, 41900 total files, 3681 folders) ¤ ^-- IBM 75gxp, 60gb partitioned into 4gb + 53.25gb, the 4gb containing Windows, and the 53.25gb containing everything else
  13. fury

    Interesting picture

    I didn't get it... :confused:
  14. fury

    Take us out of orbit Mr. Sulu

    Well well well... you know what Photon Torpedoes utilize... so we'll be able to fuel rockets, treat cancer, and blow the hell out of whoever decides to play Afghanistan next with extreme ease :D
  15. fury

    Comedy Room

    Go for it, BD, your last post had me rolling :D
  16. fury

    Gigger 'update' worm attacks hard drive

    And yet the only people who open it are still the ones stupid enough to open every attachment from everybody who sends them one. It all breaks down to a matter of intelligence and wisdom. Everybody with any sense knows that MS never sends their updates via E-mail, and instead places them on...
  17. fury

    Why all this computer power, and no applications that really need it?

    Good point there, Dean. I can do 1600x1200, but if I go to 2048x1536, I can't get higher than 16 bit color which looks nasty in Q3 and 60hz refresh, which hurts my eyes
  18. fury

    PHP links They've got some good PHP utilities, like the Zend Optimizer which reduces script run time to make for better performance.
  19. fury

    PHP links PHP Site
  20. fury

    it's almost 7pm ...

    There's a reason they call me the Flurffmeister™ too. :cool: well actually there isn't, i just wanted to sound important :cry2: