Gigger 'update' worm attacks hard drive


Staff member
By Robert Vamosi, ZDNet Reviews
Don't be taken in by Internet worm Gigger, which poses as a Microsoft update. The worm attempts to delete all the hard drive files upon reboot.
This JavaScript worm poses as a Microsoft Outlook upgrade.
Gigger arrives as e-mail. The subject line reads either "Outlook Express Update" or has the e-mail address of the recipient. The body text says either "MSNSofware Co." or "Microsoft Outlook 98." The attached file is always mmsn_offline.htm.

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Staff member
And yet the only people who open it are still the ones stupid enough to open every attachment from everybody who sends them one.

It all breaks down to a matter of intelligence and wisdom. Everybody with any sense knows that MS never sends their updates via E-mail, and instead places them on their website.


New Member
It makes sense, since Microsoft can't know every e-mail address, and who uses OE, who uses the full Outlook, who uses Eudora, who uses Netscape Mail, etc., that updates wouldn't be sent in e-mail. But, it goes without saying to you, me, and other advanced computer users.A lot of the people who open it aren't actually stupid--just computer illiterate. They have sense, they just don't have the computer savvy that you or I have.


Staff member
That's what I mean when I say stupid enough. I don't mean that they are unintelligent or dumb in a general sense, just about computers.