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  1. fury

    Rich people suck

    In this age, it is very, VERY difficult to be the nice guy and still get far ahead.
  2. fury

    Rich people suck

    That is generally how they got to where they are, by not caring about anyone except themselves. How does one expect to make any money anyway without being at least a little selfish? It's just that the super rich are super selfish. Thus the majority of them being arrogant assholes.
  3. fury

    Pizza Hut - P'Zones

    I LOVE the red onions! :grin:
  4. fury

    Happy Birthday GONZO

    Hope ya have a good one! Get real :smash:ed, ya hear? :beerchug:
  5. fury

    Almost 3000 threads...

    Keep em coming, people! :smash:
  6. fury

    People on the Internet are lame

    I agree. The internet is only what you make of it. If you don't think it's interesting enough, live with it, or MAKE it interesting.
  7. fury

    Contest - WE HAVE A WINNER!

    3567, 2861 (the closest entry)
  8. fury

    The ultimate case

    Holy FLURKING SCHNITT that is an awesome case!
  9. fury

    The ultimate case

    200lbs eh? Bet that wouldn't stand a sledgehammer to the middle. :smash: Seriously, nice case. Wonder how the airflow is.
  10. fury

    couldn't wait any longer

    Who knows. 800? 900? 1000 if you're lucky? Depends on the quality of the stepping. There's no way to tell without actually doing it. That's one of the great thrills about overclocking. It's like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. :retard:
  11. fury

    AOL = the next 800lb Gorilla?

    Removed the download from my web space since it was made obsolete by AOL re-disabling Trillian connectivity :mad:
  12. fury

    couldn't wait any longer

    Class action law suits? Wow, I'd always heard that MSI boards were pretty stable. Congrats on the new boardage. When you get the new processor, be sure to overclock that 750 to its max to get the most out of it before you get that new processor in. :smash:
  13. fury

    Interesting read about a stolen iCrap

    Went through all that trouble to get back an iMac. *tsk tsk, shakes head* :D
  14. fury

    Weakened encryption lays bare al-Qaeda files

    Yeah, that'd be so much harder to decrypt :lol:
  15. fury

    WTB: Abit ST6/ST6-RAID

  16. fury

    Call me crazy but I like NE in the Super Bowl!

    Can I still call you crazy? :smash:
  17. fury

    Weakened encryption lays bare al-Qaeda files

    No shit. The S.S. Flurffmeister could crack 40-bit in about 2 seconds. :rofl:
  18. fury

    It seems Fox killed off Family Guy again

    :cry2: BRING IT BACK! :-/
  19. fury

    AOL = the next 800lb Gorilla?

    Damnit! They killed Trillian's connectivity to AIM again! This is pissing me off :mad:
  20. fury

    Where do you get DirectX help???

    Allowing you to install older versions of their products over newer versions is not exactly one of Microsoft's strong points. One time when I installed 98se and forgot to reinstall DX7 (because the copy 98se came with is screwed) and went ahead with DX8 install... I couldn't install DX7 back...