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  1. fury

    WinXP tip of the day #7

    Wonder how many I'd need to open... oh well, too late to try now, I installed 2k :D
  2. fury

    Start-up creating Linux-Windows combo

    Hear, hear! :beerchug:
  3. fury

    Well, one thing's for sure. I wouldn't want to be that company :eek: After all, people have more sense than to fall prey to their evil tactics...right? Right? :eek2:
  4. fury

    You guys think this'll ever take off?

    I have no problem with paying $99 for an honest company's hard work and dedication to creating an OS that runs both unix and windows programs. I do have a problem with paying $199 to a lying, sneaky, group of greedy bastards that want to drive their competition down into the ground by means...
  5. fury

    Backup Mail, Faves. WAB

    It's a bitch though.
  6. fury

    Puter keeps crashing and freezing!

    I think a powered USB hub is a hub that connects to the USB, but has a power cord that gets its power from a plug in the wall or your power strip... as opposed to one that just gets its power from the USB port?
  7. fury

    Virtual PC

    Sounds like Virtual PC still might have some performance optimizations to work out.
  8. fury

    net working

    Could also be a broken cable. Have you tried other CAT5 cables?
  9. fury


    Here's an upcoming Linux distro that doesn't run Windows apps, but looks like it's very user friendly, and resembles Windows in a lot of aspects; this will help out people wanting to switch from Windows to Linux but don't want too much of a learning curve. ELX
  10. fury

    FAO Posty

    That's Intel for ya. :rolleyes:
  11. fury

    Interesting read about a stolen iCrap

    To speak nothing of the fact that it had AOL on it... :bigvomit:
  12. fury

    Windows 2000 security fixes released

    When the window displays "This is done without sending any information to Microsoft", does it really mean "This is done without sending any information we already have to Microsoft"? Cause, it always seems to upload a lot of data when downloading the list of updates. :confused:
  13. fury

    Having CD-ROM plugged in increases bootup time dramatically

    Yep, still the same problem.
  14. fury

    XP HP Problem!

    At least they have good return service. :beerchug:
  15. fury

    Another worm out there

    Be sure to think pleasant thoughts about linux, danleff, it'll be your only source of sanity in all the time you'll be exposed to the evils of Windows. :D
  16. fury

    Yet another suite from Microsoft???

    Solution to all the Dells coming preinstalled with Office XP: Build your own computers :D
  17. fury

    OS Poll

    Linux attracts me more and more each day. I've gotta learn how to use it, because I eventually want to use it almost exclusively. After all, Microsoft is digging themselves a hole and are about to crawl into it if they keep up this X-sPyware crap.
  18. fury

    That's it....I'm going Debian

    I've got Redhat 7... is 7.2 any better?
  19. fury

    Ethernet working but need some help with this,,,,,,

    I make myself nervous enough, I don't need anyone tinkering around in my computer to help with my nervousness :scared:
  20. fury

    Tip and tricks for XP

    Windows Messenger still autostarts if you have Outlook Express. The solution to that, I don't remember, but it had something to do with deleting a string under Outlook Express's registry key. I'll see if I can find it again, then I'll post it here.