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    Happy Birthday GONZO

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    People on the Internet are lame

    Re: Re: People on the Internet are lame /\ What he said, ya buncha lamers. :p Seems I remember just last week or two it was fuckin dead in here except for a couple of people replying. And I remember specifically S4, you were jumpin all over tongnesta (sp) about something. I couldn't...
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    The ultimate case

    Damn, I thought the thing was melted at first :smash:
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    The ultimate case
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    couldn't wait any longer

    I've never OC'ed before, but I may have to give it a shot this time. What do you think I could get out of that 750?
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    couldn't wait any longer

    so I ordered this board this morning. I read thru the MSI forums and had decided not to buy MSI boards anymore. There was alot of talk about class action law suites over the apparent problems with the K7T TURBO2, but I really like the features on the MSI boards. I will probably put my slot A...
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    Pizza Hut - P'Zones

    Haven't had any from Pizza Hut but I used to order Calzone's from this Italian restaurant in Tennessee that used real Italian sausage and boy did it ever give me gas........raunchy gas :fart:
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    open mouth.....insert foot

    I think everyone has done this one time or another. The other day I was driving along and got behind this idiot goin bout 25 mph and I couldn't get over in the other lane to go around him. When I did finally get over, I raced up beside him to give him the evil eye and it was one of the big...
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    Ice Storm

    Nice and warm hear in North Alabama. Starting to cloud up though. Expecting storms tonight then cooling off. Yesterday was absolutly beautiful.
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    does that mean no water rides?

    I think three or four weeks oughtta do it ;)
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    Vote for a new M&M color

    You can register here The polls don't open till March.
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    does that mean no water rides?

    Yea, I bet there is :eek:
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    does that mean no water rides?

    Damn, it's colder there than it is here :eek: Better wear something under those hula skirts :retard: But if you don't, we want lots of pics :worm:
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    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    I followed Q here :withstup:
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    I need a lighter

    But you get the other nine fingers :smoke:
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    I need a lighter

    *holds finger up for ku'* *not that finger* It's my left mouse button finger :cry2:
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    I need a lighter

    My lighter ran out of fluid so I grabbed some matches and I forgot I was supposed to take my finger off the match after I struck it and burned the crap outta my finger :mad:
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    Footage of me being a drunken idiot

    You guys did something with Fuser Man, DIDN'T YOU :lurk:
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    Footage of me being a drunken idiot

    Now I know where you and brock are hangin out :spin:
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    Need your help...

    :confused: was that a trick or something. I clicked on the link and it said your vote has been cast........before I even knew what I was voting for or against :confused: