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  1. flavio

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys)

    That's a pretty sweet condo. What town is this? So what's the deal, allergic to corn? That's gotta be a problem seeing how they pump corn syrup into a fairly large segment of food products. I did not know Coors was made with rice, what other beers are? Maybe asian beers?
  2. flavio

    Bad day at the office

    Yeah, I posted it before. But the guy was having some serious bandwidth problems and it seemed like most people couldn't access it at the time.
  3. flavio

    Anderson doomed?

    The company deserves to get hit hard, I feel sorry for some of the workers though.
  4. flavio

    Tonya Harding wins 'Celebrity Boxing' bout

    I warched that, pretty funny. The Willis vs. Vanilla Ice bought was the best fight.
  5. flavio

    They're getting smarter and smarter....

    Well you would have to trade in for feet that don't stink, which are still a little costly.
  6. flavio

    United Negro College Fund

    In fact black people had been forced to have their own organiztions, churches, baseball teams, bathrooms, etc. for so long that it's hardly surprising that an organization encouraging higher education still survives No it's not idealistic but what do you expect?
  7. flavio

    United Negro College Fund

    The UNC Fund did serve a purpose at one time and may still serve one. Believe it or not black people did not have anywhere near the opportunity to go to college for many many years and something like this was certainly necessary. There is certainly no reason to be offended that such an...
  8. flavio

    Yates Poll

    Yes, Texas sucks and avoid it at all costs.
  9. flavio

    United Negro College Fund

    So what would be a better name for that fund?
  10. flavio

    QT Trailers

    I quit using Quicktime for awhile now because of stuff like that. I may get it again someday. At least it's not as bad as Realplayer.
  11. flavio

    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    Yep, sure do. I moved from the Highland Square area in Akron.
  12. flavio

    Blame Canada!

  13. flavio

    My school paper

    Are all the spelling errors part of the point of the paper? :read:
  14. flavio

    What game are you currently playing?

    heh...I've been playing Baldurs Gate (the first one) on the PC and Jak and Daxter on the PS2.
  15. flavio


    I'm pretty sure there's no spyware but you can run Adaware if you want to make sure. This program is pretty easy to feel your way through. The most important thing is to get a good camera angle.
  16. flavio

    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    From Cleveland? I just moved outta Akron a year and a half ago.
  17. flavio


    Here's one I did way back
  18. flavio

    Britney denies split

    I was worried there for a sec
  19. flavio

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    I just put a Playstation emulator on my Mac at work. I didn't realize they had other uses.