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  1. flavio

    Addiction waiting to happen...

    Here's the IGN review:
  2. flavio


    I checked out the mp3 Depths of the Wreckage which was ok, but not really that interesting. I read some of their lyrics and couldn't really figure out what they were talking about.
  3. flavio

    Coke or Pepsi?

    Coke is a cola, Pepsi is sugar water.
  4. flavio

    Boring, but a time passer....

    Hey that is pretty damn flat. What's with this guy and his corporate apartments? I think I need one of those.
  5. flavio

    Hacking with a Pringles tube

    Looks like fun
  6. flavio

    Addiction waiting to happen...

    Yep looks pretty damn good. I just read a pretty good review of the game over at IGN.
  7. flavio

    Time for a good babe thread..........

    Dirty needle?? This thread needs to be larger.
  8. flavio

    New Slogan

    I like it
  9. flavio

    Bill Would Ban Racial Mascots

    That is both funny and very sad at the same time. :eh:
  10. flavio

    Becoming Human

    Lightning also comes from Zeus who throws down each bolt by hand if you have forgotten.
  11. flavio

    Hi all!

    Where do I remember your username from?
  12. flavio

    Bill Would Ban Racial Mascots

    So you would be ok with Asians or Negros as a team? not derogatory either really.
  13. flavio

    Bill Would Ban Racial Mascots

    Yeah, I heard about them but forgot.
  14. flavio

    Bill Would Ban Racial Mascots

    Hell I don't know what to think about that. It seems completely ridiculous but if we had teams called the Asians, Whiteys, or Negros it would be kinda awkward.
  15. flavio

    Becoming Human

    Here's how it all went down: In the begining there was only chaos. Then out of the void appeared Erebus, the unknowable place where death dwells, and Night. All else was empty, silent, endless, darkness. Then somehow Love was born bringing a start of order. From Love came Light and Day. Once...
  16. flavio

    Anyone else have a problem with this?

    I heard about this. I'm not really sure what to use lately. I thought Morpheus ruled, but the new Morpheus Preview I'm not sure about. WinMX is pissing me off. I was thinking about trying Kazaa Lite until this.
  17. flavio

    Gender-accurate Bible

    Geez, what a load
  18. flavio


    YaY! That's much funnier than my error:
  19. flavio


    Yep, tried again. Download Accelerator pops up, I say "Do it man" and then it tells me there is no file. Maybe has to do with the "%" part?