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  1. fury


    Hi :smash:
  2. fury

    I HATE it when that happens!

    I'm only $65 away from being able to get a good 512 meg stick of PC2700. That's about 2-3 lawn mowings.
  3. fury

    I HATE it when that happens!

    The hardware victims in this latest assault, in which the circuit breaker for the power to my room was "accidentally" flipped ONCE AGAIN by my mom's beloved drunk boyfriend, were my power strip and motherboard. The power strip looks like it caught a couple sparks, but it's still usable. As...
  4. fury

    ok, so my clear computer up and died

    Not in the spikes/surges/brownouts I've seen. :eek: (see my other thread)
  5. fury

    New Ram Ordered PT 2

    The flourescent purple color isn't something I'd go for, but the sticker has a soothing look to it... :cool: If only it were a soft purple, I'd get some right now. It'd look pretty good with my new Soltek Purple Ray SL-75DRV5 board :D
  6. fury

    Ok so im...

    I'm sure this is a stupid question, but have you tried raising the voltage? How are you cooling that wimpy little thing, btw?
  7. fury


    :fart: 383 units coming my way... Nice shot, that 156 unit dump, to try to shorten the gap, Neo, but you'll just have to try harder! :smash:
  8. fury

    New search engines

    Here's a message board-only search engine:
  9. fury

    Loads of problems...

    My thoughts exactly.
  10. fury

    how do i...

    You're in trouble, acid. If she's got you whipped this bad and you're not even an official couple yet, just wait til you're finally able to utter the words :eek:
  11. fury

    Doom ]|[ Preview

    Oh GOD YES! :headbang:
  12. fury

    Loads of problems...

    Takes even longer with the BIOS set to no floppy drive.
  13. fury

    XP or 98?

    Yes, unfortunately, I have used XP extensively, and while it has its good parts (faster startup, font antialiasing for small text is about it), I'd rather live with the slower startup and blocky fonts that 2k has
  14. fury

    XP or 98?

    This line makes me wonder... If you think about it, Microsoft touting XP as the biggest upgrade to the interface since the transition from 3.x to 95 is a bit of an overexaggeration. 3.x was a pile of windows thrown on top of each other that you had to sort through to get to your programs...
  15. fury

    XP or 98?

    It still spies on you, and by far 98 is still the fastest OS to play games on. Or if you really wanna get hardcore, 95 is even better, but only 95 OSR2 and up supports FAT32, so unless he wants to live on no larger than 2 gig partitions and no bigger than an 8 gig hard drive, 95 is less of a...
  16. fury

    A cat's diary

  17. fury

    XP or 98?

    98... XP spies on you and takes up a shitload more memory than 98 does just to do simple tasks like browse through your computer files.
  18. fury

    WinMgmt starts incessantly crashing every time I open the Services console

    SP2, yes... fully up to date at Windblows Update as far as I remember. And no, it's not stable. Nothing's ever stable when I'm using it. :(
  19. fury

    Happy 17th FURY

  20. fury

    Unclehobarts turn

    :hbd: Have a :beer: on me