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  1. BigDadday


    Thnx I need a good lol!
  2. BigDadday

    What in your opinion would get people to post here more often?

    Find your two most level headed peeps and try a relationship forum where opinions are given to try and help peep with their daily problems in life. Also members could help out with some advice if they have been in a situation as the one that is posted. Not a razzing forum a serious try to help...
  3. BigDadday


    Well it was bound to happen and did. I was doing another of those 12 hour shifts when I backed into a roll that weighs either 2000 lbs or 2 tons and caught my left leg and knee between them. Ouch big time and cannot walk,put on shoes,bend over etc so my holiday is starting off with a ouch.More...
  4. BigDadday

    Quick Question

    Got it Gonzo and the rest thnx as well,now we shall see how long before XP is installed.:D
  5. BigDadday

    Quick Question

    Threw in Win me for the heck of it and now am confused as my drives are lettered differently. My external zip is D and my cd-rom E and my writer is F I want my cd-ron D,writer E and zip F where do I go to change it?
  6. BigDadday


    Darn thing crashed the other day and insted of just doing a format and getting it over with I tried to undo whatever it was. No luck so reformat and am back again.
  7. BigDadday

    Cable Modems

    I See! But we both know that's impossible as we can't live without all of there abuse and love etc.;)BD
  8. BigDadday

    Cable Modems

    Quit drinking so much wine and you won't have to P!$$ so much.:D:beerchug:
  9. BigDadday

    Quick question

    Tools\Internet Options\Content\Auto Complete contains that option. Wqas what I was wanting so thnx all.BD
  10. BigDadday

    Quick question

    Where i enable in my puter for it to keep accepting passwords?BD:cry:
  11. BigDadday

    Cable Modems

    Good site Gonzo and I showed stealth in all my ports but wonder why that leak test failed. I still had on my ZA and NIS. My NIS did detect it first.BD:wave:
  12. BigDadday

    ABC's of Acheivement

    Tex I still say you mean this post for me!BD
  13. BigDadday

    Cable Modems

    I just got mine last week or so and for the first time tried a leak test and my computer didn't even show a firewall when I have both Zone Alarm Pro and Norton Internet Security which are both set on high. What I'm concerned about is if I should invest in the price of a router or ? Any ideas out...
  14. BigDadday

    Miss ME?

    Have had alot of cr$p going on as you probably know and still have the bad vibes from the workplace so I will be in and out and hope you don't mind it or forget lil ol me,:worm:
  15. BigDadday

    Dem Bears knocked off Cleveland

    Damn Bears!:smash: :smash: :laugh:
  16. BigDadday


    Looks like we're going into OT:( 21 to 21 Bears win 27 to 21 :cry: :cry: :cry:
  17. BigDadday

    Charlie Daniels Band

    This Ain't No Rag It's A Flag This ain't no rag it's a flag And we don't wear it on our heads It's a symbol of the land where the good guys live Are you listening to what I said You're a coward and a fool And you broke all of the rules And you wounded our American pride And...
  18. BigDadday

    Advice update

    Postal was my real thoughts!:smash: :smash: :smash: :smash:
  19. BigDadday


    Name: Michael E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Mobile Comments: Ive always been interested in the Mafia. For any serious people out there, contact me at my email. We'll talk more.......good site by the way...
  20. BigDadday

    Advice update

    Man I am about ready to just go and find a trailer and move it to a isolated place where I could have internet access and say good bye to the world. I walk into work and the foreman says to me that another hourly employee told her that I was not doing my job last night.:mad: After listening...