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  1. Shadowfax

    New desktop

    Only if you want it to be; for the rest of the people here: no.
  2. Shadowfax

    New desktop

    Here's the LINK for the transparant are for small executables (it's one rar-file though) which all have different settings (like black text, white text etc.) Just put a shortcut in the 'Start-up' folder and it will start everytime when you boot. I really love it; it's small and...
  3. Shadowfax

    New desktop

    I would definately use transparent icons though....if you want a program for that, I'll upload one.
  4. Shadowfax

    Look at how Xi is affected by these attacks

    I've noticed that this place is more tensed than before, but that hasn't have to be a bad thing. Only thing we have to be careful for, is not to let our emotions result in personal attacks. These days are highly emotional for everybody, so please give each other some slack... Evertbody makes...
  5. Shadowfax

    Many thanks...

    Welcome to XiBase! :wave:
  6. Shadowfax


    I totally agree on that. There are so many means of retalliation possible, without using nuclear weapons. Using nuclear weapons would have such an impact on life as it is now; it's not only the blast in the first place, think about the contaminated places afterwards. No, nuclear weapons would...
  7. Shadowfax

    Yes, they do give a damn...

    It sure gives a good idea of the overall feelings in the world. Great link!
  8. Shadowfax

    Stand Strong, America

    Although I am not an American, I still have a really strong connection to this country, because I lived there for quite some time. Even though that was only a year, and I have lived in The Netherlands now again for more than a decade, this extreme tradegy still struck me as if it happened to me...
  9. Shadowfax

    Organ donation

    Full donor too, but like Gonzo: useless lungs....:)
  10. Shadowfax

    What the frack is some people's problem with paying $20 for a service?

    Is it me, or am I not the only one getting pretty sick 'n' tired of repairing computers for 'friends', resulting in piles of shit? I have to totally agree with s4; I'm not doing anything for anyone anymore, concerning computer-repairs. A few weeks ago I put a computer together for somebody...
  11. Shadowfax

    Think Britney needs bigger ta tas?

    Yeah, D+ is nice....not F though, not F.
  12. Shadowfax


    Yeah those comet-collisions are a bitch nowadays.... But I really wish that mankind would take them a little bit more serious. NASA are paying attention to near-earth comets, but cannot cover the whole universe at the moment. I think this is an important issue, especially because engineers...
  13. Shadowfax

    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    and 40 percent if you're both...? ;)
  14. Shadowfax

    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    Congratulations Toolbox!
  15. Shadowfax

    Early AM work

    Working at night doesn't matter to me, but if I have to start early I just sit around, half-zombie, sipping my way-too-strong cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette...I don't get alive before 10 AM, and don't get sleepy before 2 AM... Thank god I'm not the only one with that problem :)
  16. Shadowfax

    Alright, this is stupid and painful...

    I've been looking into that for quite a while (has nothing to do with that "incident" between me and that wall...). I really like Kendo, and I might take up lessons into that. It's a really great sport!
  17. Shadowfax

    Alright, this is stupid and painful...

    Thanks :D Never knew I could kick that hard still is very stupid and I've learned my lesson; I will never, never kick a concrete wall again (at least not that hard ;))
  18. Shadowfax

    Alright, this is stupid and painful...

    He acomplished that all on his own...and to be honest, him being fired is worth a broken foot allright. And s4; it was a wrong response allright, and I didn't outweigh cause and effect enough. But I really didn't care at that moment ;)
  19. Shadowfax

    Alright, this is stupid and painful...

    I got so really fed up with somebody at work, that I totally freaked. I really wanted to kick his little sissy ass, but I couldn't do that if otherwise I would be blamed for starting a fight :mad: So I kicked very very hard against a wall next to me....resulting in a broken foot :( This...
  20. Shadowfax

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome to XiBase! Enjoy your stay. :)