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  1. Fuser Man

    It's Alive!

    Well not that I did the whole thing as the HD already had it's info, but the computer is up and running. You guys were right, windows changed everything for me. :thup: I still feel proud that I was able to put the thing together and that it worked first shot. Yeh for me!:beerchug: I...
  2. Fuser Man

    How hard is it to remove minor dents?

    and that is why she's my hero.
  3. Fuser Man

    Now this is really weird......

    :scared: :scared: Oh the horror!:scared: :scared:
  4. Fuser Man

    What game are you most looking forward to in the future?

    I've got 4 games at home waiting for a new computer.
  5. Fuser Man

    Picture found on camera in rubble at WTC site...

    Do you really think the camera would survive what happened there? It is SOOO fake. Smack the F***er who make that.:mad:
  6. Fuser Man

    Just reinstalled windows

    I use win98 at home and at work. I rarelly have a problem with my home computer. My work computer is another story! Not a day goes by where I'm not restarting the damn thing.:mad:
  7. Fuser Man

    Building Question

    It's going from a P150 to a Celeron 500.
  8. Fuser Man

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    Do you want a new keyboard? They only cost $8.00:D
  9. Fuser Man

    Building Question

    The old video card in there was a peice of crap. I think it just set as a basic video card so it shouldn't give me too many problems. I would like to start from scratch but the guy has a lot of quotes that he was working on and needs to keep them. We'll find out tonight how it goes as I'm...
  10. Fuser Man

    Building Question

  11. Fuser Man

    Building Question

    How do I go about setting up a computer but using the HD (with all info on it) from an old computer. New parts Mobo CPU modem memory floppy video card case Old parts 2 HD's CDWR I'm picking up the parts in an hour. PLEASE HELP.
  12. Fuser Man

    play it

    That is so funny. I like the part where you take a drink while shooting. 11000 points the first try.
  13. Fuser Man

    Pricing for April 1997

    I just found an old "Ottawa Computes" mag. It's funny to see the prices from 4 years ago. Panasonic 12X CDrom $150 1.44 Drive $33 ATI-3D PC2TV $MB SDRAM-OEM $200 CPU P200MMX w/fan $805 Motorola 33.6 Ext. Modem $200 Fujitsu 2.5GB HD $360 32MB SIMM 72pin EDO $ 229.99 Daytek 17"SVGA...
  14. Fuser Man

    What game are you most looking forward to in the future?

    The new Star Wars Jedi Outcast Looks sweet!:thup:
  15. Fuser Man

    Happy Birthday, tko97

    Happy Birthday!
  16. Fuser Man

    You guys ever watch Sponge Bob Square Pants???

    Here's the cartoon's I'm into right now Batman Beyond Zeta Project Cardcaptors Cubix Simpsons (I remember when it was a 30 second stop on the Tracy Ulman show) South Park Cyber 6(sp) Jackie Chan Adventures Do you remember......Astro Boy?
  17. Fuser Man

    Waaaahhoooooo!!!!!!!! Its the weekend.....

    I did my fav thing to do on Sundays, nothing. Watched the Matrix and The Mummy.
  18. Fuser Man

    I need some Excel help, friends

    DAMN BABY! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm:
  19. Fuser Man

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hey howdy hey:wave: