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  1. kuulani

    For Unclehobart & his beer woes

    ooh, so where can I pick one up?
  2. kuulani

    One word post

  3. kuulani

    I need a beer

    Geez, unc, even I have beer in my fridge :p
  4. kuulani

    *does a happy dance*

    Well, in ancient Hawaii, having two lovers was accepted and sometimes even encouraged :spin: It makes you wonder, why, oh why, did we accept western values? :D
  5. kuulani

    I am using icq again

    liar, liar, pants on fire ... you aren't online now :p
  6. kuulani

    I am using icq again

    Ooh, I'm on again too!! 98011235 :D
  7. kuulani

    Ok, fireworks I understand...

    Idiots on Oahu were firing their guns on New Years, and bullets entered a few of the houses ... fortunately no one was hurt.
  8. kuulani

    does anyone actually use it?

    I only use yahoo now 'cause my cousin is always on it, and everytime I log onto ICQ or msn, no one is there for me to talk too :(
  9. kuulani

    *does a happy dance*

    *giggling at "hula girl" remark* As long as his name is centered perfectly on the page in whatever direction you type it, I won't have to edit it for you :D
  10. kuulani

    Finally have learned......

    If I don't know how to use something, I just ask my friend Miki, because she's the only person I know who'll read the instruction manual :D
  11. kuulani

    My sister's stuck at the airport

    I don't know about the airports in other states, but it seems that the people at the airport xray check point in Hawaii can't even speak English. Hello! How are they supposed to stop someone and question them if they can't even speak the language?
  12. kuulani

    Ok, fireworks I understand...

    I love fireworks!! It's tradition here to pop fireworks during New Years ... a New Years celebration wouldn't be the same without 'em. Fireworks isn't the problem, it's the irresponsible people that use them.
  13. kuulani


    If anybody needs a designated driver, I'm available for the next few months ... :D Happy 2002 everyone!! :beerchug:
  14. kuulani

    A Movie??????

    I've been wondering how long it would take Hollywood to try to cash in on this tragedy ... it seems they were sensitive about it for awhile, but I guess now the $$ is calling.
  15. kuulani

    My sister's stuck at the airport

    -Full story in the Honolulu Advertiser Stupid airport security people, isn't this supposed to be corrected by now!!
  16. kuulani

    I see you all online, but NOT POSTING!

    I'm so proud of you :beerchug: It's all about the beer!!
  17. kuulani

    *does a happy dance*

    :grin: you beat me to it :p
  18. kuulani

    *does a happy dance*

    I'm wondering if I'm desperate enough to drink O'Douls, non-alcoholic beer ;) Thanks everyone for getting drunk and toasting on my behalf!! :spin:
  19. kuulani

    Happy New Beer!

    I can't wait to get home from work to start popping firecrackers!!! Happy New Year's Eve everyone!!
  20. kuulani


    Some of us will stick around to haunt others :eek2: