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  1. unclehobart

    The new Enron voice mail system

    *hucks a novelty rubber dog poo at Enron*
  2. unclehobart

    Paging Ms Spirit, where are you

    Direct quote from a Spirit email that I recieved naught but 10 minutes ago. : I am actually touched that they are thinking of me! So you tell them I miss them all and maybe at some point in the next few days I will try to get online on someone's computer that has internet and say hi : )
  3. unclehobart

    20:02 20/02 2002

    no... its would have just been a collection of 2s and 0s. It wouldnt have been as mirror perfect as 2002 2002 2002.
  4. unclehobart

    Paging Ms Spirit, where are you

    Hey what? ... it was her suggestion. :D
  5. unclehobart

    20:02 20/02 2002

    Problem is we in the states have reverse notation on the month and day. Here it would be seen as 20:02 02/20 2002
  6. unclehobart

    Paging Ms Spirit, where are you

    Shes...erm ... a little tied up at the moment. *hastily closes bedroom door and pockets a handcuff key*
  7. unclehobart

    Short track speed skating carnage

    Thats short track speed skating for you. Its part roller derby. And the fact that the presiding referee was an Aussie had nothing to do with there not being an impedence call. *chuckle* The American couldn't have done a redo anyway. He took a slash in the leg and wouldn't have been in shape...
  8. unclehobart


    Seclusion is one of the banned over at JJRs as well. He hit us back in late summer. He seems to have calmed down a bit. He used to be a real sourpuss back in the days.
  9. unclehobart

    Paging Ms Spirit, where are you

    She's offline for a while. She has a crud comp and a cruddier ISP that was costing her 50CDN a month. She ditched it in attempt to save a little dough to get a new car. Her employer has a non-email internet block, so she can't get here from there. Her participation will be spotty at best for an...
  10. unclehobart

    What the hell is "Safe Sex"??

    safe sex= Hatian junkie hooker anal
  11. unclehobart

    Do ya believe in "Demonic" activity?

    No gods, no masters, no demons, no sprites, no fairies, no crop circle aliens, no Loch Ness monster, none of that mysterious fear based hooey.
  12. unclehobart

    Step Back Jack the US is on your Back

    Oh puh-lease.... You can't be serious. It would be more plausible to say that the whole thing was construed by Gary Condit to shake the whole Chandra Levy thing.
  13. unclehobart

    Step Back Jack the US is on your Back

    More chest thumping. Nothing will come of it.
  14. unclehobart

    Did Mr. Pink live?

    I don't think so. He ran out the door and I heard a good half dozen guns going off. He was turned into cat food.
  15. unclehobart


    Is there any scientific test that can prove whether a given object exists? For example the computer in front of me - I can see it touch it and hear it but I could do all this with the computer in my dream last night and that didn't really exist; or did it?
  16. unclehobart


    Do the ends justify the means? What is your personal boundary that you will not cross?
  17. unclehobart

    pocket think tank

    What is the metaphysical purpose of "evil"?
  18. unclehobart

    Canada ripped in skating?

    I like the Canadian lass, eh.
  19. unclehobart

    Anyone hungry?

    I just avoid the whole mess by avoiding hot dogs altogether... nasty little floor sweepings sausages.
  20. unclehobart

    Ohio Highway Patrol Sux

    I did that once as a teen... and sure enough, the damn cop had the certification papers onhand for the machine. ... bah.