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  1. unclehobart

    No breaks

    Real men dont use toilet paper. They use the notes coming down from upper management.
  2. unclehobart

    bumper stickers

    I just have a AAA sticker.
  3. unclehobart

    Ok, Where is everybody?

    I'll see what I can do..
  4. unclehobart

    Ok, Where is everybody?

    Babes forums dont do any good. All they do is attract undesireables. Besides, The webhost user rules are probably fairly anal about such things.
  5. unclehobart

    It'll never end I'm tired of hearing about it

    Nuke the whole region into a thick glassy crust and we won't hear anymore about it.
  6. unclehobart

    Can you lick yours?

    I can't even get within 8 inches of my elbows. Damn these broad shoulders.
  7. unclehobart

    Tip on Nuclear Attack Risk Was Kept From New Yorkers

    So a light fallout amount in Maine is equal to destroyed and death? I don't think so. Certain amounts of fallout would travel very far indeed, but the lethality sphere isn't nearly as large as you think it is... even with a 50 megaton blast. If fallout equals death, be sure to include everyone...
  8. unclehobart

    Tip on Nuclear Attack Risk Was Kept From New Yorkers

    1/8 of the US population? Thats waaay high.
  9. unclehobart

    A work of art

    *pats 19" non-Sony member*
  10. unclehobart

    Hey I want free curly fries for life

    Shoulda been 5 for 5.95. They abandoned the 5 for 5 like 5 years ago.
  11. unclehobart

    Is this for real?

    gee... did they find bigfoot ond the Loch Ness monster on it as well?
  12. unclehobart

    I'm Back!!!

    come back here! *waggles handcuffs*
  13. unclehobart

    Thank goodness...

    Did I miss something?
  14. unclehobart

    Who is Karma?

    Its also penalty declinable or exhaltation raisable depending on how much of an ass you are or how well thought out and productive your replies are. Sorta like the carrot and the stick approach.
  15. unclehobart

    Islam Sucks

    religion sucks
  16. unclehobart

    The World's Top Billionaires List

    I could spend 52 billion... and rather quickly.
  17. unclehobart

    The World's Top Billionaires List

    Waitaminute... I'm not on that list. Somethings wrong.
  18. unclehobart

    Live on PPV

    I'd buy that for a dollar. Why can't it be a chainsaw match?
  19. unclehobart

    Fury, you were the first one I thought of when I read this story

    Once a week? ... try 10 times a day.