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  1. HomeLAN

    case modding

    Sorry. Never done a case mod. Maybe somebody will let me experiment with one of theirs one of these days...
  2. HomeLAN

    I got my driver's license, stay off the roads!

    I'll make you the same bet my Dad made me - I'll give you $20 if, on August 23, 2003 you have not yet had an accident. If you have, you owe me $5.
  3. HomeLAN

    If it wasn't stupid, it'd be funny

    Anna's more principled.
  4. HomeLAN

    24 hours later...

    Damn, BD, you can't buy a break, can you? Good to see you back posting again, though.
  5. HomeLAN


    Christ, his post counts oughtta be insane within the first week.
  6. HomeLAN

    Greenfreak is old

    I still have a few years on her.
  7. HomeLAN

    Happy birthday greenfreak!

    Happy 30th, Trish!
  8. HomeLAN

    I got a bunch of new stuff!

    Thanks, Pad. I thought I was the only one who didn't get it.
  9. HomeLAN

    Some weird crap has been happening to me lately

    Any chance that Ameritech did get it hooked up in your hood, and someone is being nice enough to try and get it hooked up as a surprise?
  10. HomeLAN

    internet problems

    Glad it's working. Obviously, so are a shitload of marketers.
  11. HomeLAN

    Whats brand is your likely next cpu upgrade?

    Waiting for the hammer, myself. Hopefully, the .13 micron will bring those temps down a little.
  12. HomeLAN

    Finally, a happy ending

    Unfortunately, they were raped. But at least they survived.
  13. HomeLAN

    An observation

    SETI and other DC projects keep your CPU running at 100%. NO idle cycles. You're ALWAYS at full load, rather then a game sometimes spiking you up to 100%, but usually less. As a result, it'll run hotter.
  14. HomeLAN

    Need Opinions

    For me, college was a pretty travel-intensive experience. Having my only machine solidly locked into place would've been a real drawback. I'd probably say get the lappy. Is there any way you can delay the decision until you've been there a month or so and know what you're dealing with?
  15. HomeLAN

    They say its her birthday.... Na

    Happy B-day, Na! Take the day off and go get drunk. That's an order. :D
  16. HomeLAN

    MS' step-by-step intro of new WPA with WinXP SP1

    Probably. And so it is done.
  17. HomeLAN

    Motherboards and Processors

    Heh. I just responded with newegg on your other thread. Newegg's got a great rep. I use them often.
  18. HomeLAN

    What's that smell?

    I'll second what fury said anbout buying crap. It's usually nothing but trouble in the long run. If you want to get a 1.1 T-bird for that AZ-11, Newegg has 'em for $59.
  19. HomeLAN

    If baseball strikes

    I agree. They'll do it, though. Too much cash floating around for anything else to happen.