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  1. Gonzo

    2002 NFL playoffs

    WTF Huge? beat by NYG???
  2. Gonzo

    Go WVU!

    ASU Sun Devils :thup: trounced by K State in a nothing bowl game yesterday:shrug:
  3. Gonzo

    Motorola SB4200

    99.99-50MiR=49.99/10 months = paid for itself. :cool:
  4. Gonzo

    Paybacks a bitch

    about 3
  5. Gonzo

    Motorola SB4200

    It's a button on top of the modem & when you wish no activity, hit it & nothing goes through it.
  6. Gonzo

    Were you expecting less?

    I love the BS wording You don't send 2 carrier groups into the same region unless they're planning on using them:rolleyes:
  7. Gonzo

    Were you expecting less?

    It's war
  8. Gonzo

    2003 Movie Relaese

    Big year-big blockbusters? Lord of the Rings: Return of the King The Matrix: Reloaded The Matrix: Revolutions Terminator 3 Tomb Raiders 2 X Men 2 Daredevil the Hulk remakes Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) The Incredible Shrinking Man (2003) Around the World in 80 Days (2003)...
  9. Gonzo

    Paybacks a bitch

    I edited the story a little to make it clearer & as far as I know, it was an accident but let the lesson ne learned...don't fuck someone else's wife (husband) or you will pay in the end...let's call it the *ominous music* Ultimate Revenge.
  10. Gonzo

    Paybacks a bitch

    Sorry, it was him
  11. Gonzo

    Paybacks a bitch

    NOT A NICE STORY My nephew was married. They had a son. Wifey pooh wasn't ready to settle down & be a family. After 2-3 years of going to the bars with the single girlfriends, she got involved. It happens that her affair was with a guy my nephew raced cars with. Not a prety sight. He...
  12. Gonzo

    Motorola SB4200

    Nice price at Circuit City. $99.99 minus a $50. MiR-not for new customers only. I got mine today. It'll save $5. a month on the cable bill. Has a "Stanby" feature too. It only took the idiots at Comcast 3+ hours to enable it though :rolleyes: I called them back & the guy wanted me to do the...
  13. Gonzo

    xp is pissin me off

    Look Su-z-Q, everything else has been tried hasn't it? Since XP says the nic doesn't exist, it certainly does point in a direction now doesn't it? *taps foot impatiently* ;)
  14. Gonzo

    xp is pissin me off

    expolorer/tools/folder options/ about there?
  15. Gonzo

    xp is pissin me off

    ok, I'll assume 2000 doesn't like C$ either. Also, Explorer/Tools/Folder Options-disable simple file sharing.
  16. Gonzo

    Soo... what did ya get.

    3 flannel shirts (sexy in the snow), a pair of sweatpants (my favorite winter clothes) & a $50. Best Buy gift card. (should I tell her $50. ain't much at BB?) :D
  17. Gonzo

    $314.9 million...

    Guys, send me your dollar bills & I'll put you in my lottery. I'll even set the odds exactly the same as Powerball
  18. Gonzo

    xp is pissin me off

    Pad, You may have to set a new user & password on every computer and make them exactly the same. C$ is not sharable on 98. Once you do that, using My Computer, you can set the entire disk(s) or individual folders for sharing. Q-we've done this 3 or 4's your nic, it has to be.
  19. Gonzo

    Merry Christmas n a Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas
  20. Gonzo

    xp is pissin me off

    Go outside, get into your truck, drive to BestBuy/CircuitCity/Office Max-Depot/Staples/Frys/CompUSA or any other office/elevtronics/computer store & buy a damned $14.99 Linksys nic & be done with it:D