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  1. Gonzo

    Server move

    did TSS move too(yet?) I can get there
  2. Gonzo

    Server move

    Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer
  3. Gonzo

    Server move

    ugh, don't use, that ain't it :D
  4. Gonzo

    Server move

    Sam that IP is for Xi's front page... First my internet is down & then, as soon as comcast picks up the phone it mysteriously begins worksing & now OTC
  5. Gonzo

    Help me! I can't sleep!

    get laid by a woman who wishes post-coital conversation :D
  6. Gonzo


    ...handy bottle of wolf repellent. One never knows when that can come in handy. In the excitement, he's forgotten his appointment with...
  7. Gonzo


    ...the other glove, this one not so bloodied. He stares, fascinated by it maroon hue. Suddenly, from a darkened corner, he hears...
  8. Gonzo

    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

    :eek: I'd have a cow. Mine is under $150 during the summer with the A/C going 24/7 (or so it seems)
  9. Gonzo

    Hey Old Man....

    You don't have to be old to be wise...but it helps. OLD SUCKS
  10. Gonzo

    After the outage

    We can finally post about STS 107 exploding over Texas right after re-entry (for history)
  11. Gonzo

    What OS you are?

  12. Gonzo


    When a team has 3 faster than hell recievers, why not throuw down field? It's all Gannon's fault. Congrats to Tampa
  13. Gonzo

    So it's Superbowl Sunday...

    If it ain't silver & black it's crap
  14. Gonzo

    No chains can hold me down

    I always break away I never hear society Tell me what to do or say I taste the life that pleases me And raise a storm for all the world to see; I never stumble, never fall Never stop for rest I rebel but I walk tall And I demand respect
  15. Gonzo


    it took me a long time to find a GF4 ti4x00 for under $100. Don't pull this one now.
  16. Gonzo


    OH HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!! All Pirate/Gruden Bowl
  17. Gonzo

    Coolness Test

    I didn't click it, cool or what :cool:
  18. Gonzo

    Crash Cart...stat!!

    *runs from shotgun & hides behind Q, "It's her, she's making all the noise"*
  19. Gonzo

    Crash Cart...stat!!

    we're having a meltdown over here. HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO....anybody out
  20. Gonzo

    The day has come.

    WB :wave: