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  1. br0ck


    I'm fine, thanks for asking!
  2. br0ck

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome to the boards! Fury and Fuserman are really your friend. Spirit and Q will bite, so watch yourself.
  3. br0ck

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome to the boards, don't let fury or fuserman scare you away. :)
  4. br0ck

    Come on in people...

    i have some friends that want to join, but they keep asking "is that fury guy on drugs" Can't explain. Well maybe i can. :D
  5. br0ck


    Pixar Animation?? Who is the CEO of that company? lol Come on ppl, let's hear it!
  6. br0ck

    Drop everything your doing and get in irc chat

    Ya, get on there ppl! I'm on there all the time!!
  7. br0ck

    More terrorist attacks?

    I'm glad we see eye to eye! ;)
  8. br0ck

    One word post

  9. br0ck

    More terrorist attacks?

    It's just like Bezerkely to go crazy! I'm sick and tired of the Berkeley, the land of fruits and nuts, protesting everything in site. Do those hippies-limp-wrist protestors ever agree with Uncle Sam? PS: Flavio, no offense dude. I'm just upset at the protestors, and Berkeley seems to be...
  10. br0ck

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome and enjoy the stay here on Xibase. :D
  11. br0ck

    Right Now!!!!!

    Don't get any ideas Neo! :D
  12. br0ck

    Right Now!!!!!

    trin, try to get Spirit to kiss me, that'll be some magic!! :)
  13. br0ck

    Right Now!!!!!

    I thought it might me another "Spirit" pic! :)
  14. br0ck

    Sex, reproduction, etc etc...

    Bring on the pr0n!!! :) :eek: :p
  15. br0ck

    Time to polish off the old resume

    Oh ya, I'm waiting to get my raise here soon, and another 6 months later. mwahhahah!!
  16. br0ck


    If you'd share more with us/me I could ask our lawyer at work what he knows about he situation you are dealing with. I'll help ya as much as I can. Just need some info that's all bud. brock
  17. br0ck


    ^^^ What Justin said ^^^
  18. br0ck

    Whats this world coming to??

    In case you dont' know, the world is coming to ME! On a serious note, I'm really sorry to hear that. One of my fav resturants closed down. It was a Meditteranean resturant! I know the owner and I've never got a chance to talk to you since 9/11. :( It makes me sad/mad as well.
  19. br0ck

    Isn't it NEOs b-day?

    Happy birthday! 37 :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: You don't look a day over 36! hehe :D
  20. br0ck

    IRC stats now more detailed

    Yep more proof that fury's online way to much! :p :eek: