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  1. br0ck

    ABC's of Acheivement

    Sounds like stuff we're learning in my supervisors school. :)
  2. br0ck

    Baby puppies (big pic warning)

    AWESOME!! :D :D :D
  3. br0ck

    WinDriverrs Advantage? and Housen is really starting to piss me off!! :mad: :mad:
  4. br0ck

    Miss ME?

    wondered why it was quiet around here. :)
  5. br0ck

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    welcome and enjoy the stay!
  6. br0ck


    they're both must of had one hell of a milkman sk! :)
  7. br0ck

    Happy Birthday HavoK

    Happy Birthday!! :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug:
  8. br0ck

    What a laugh riot!

    I'll get some lame ass response from most of them. :rolleyes:
  9. br0ck

    What a laugh riot!

    More Linkage!!! Need some more posts ppl. Sign up and start rattling some sabres.
  10. br0ck

    What a laugh riot!

    :p ;)
  11. br0ck

    Men face extinction, says BMJ report

    ...and I'm sure they'll run out of batteries at some point! :D
  12. br0ck

    Men face extinction, says BMJ report

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  13. br0ck

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    Sorry, I don't listen to hip-hop! :D
  14. br0ck

    br0ck baby!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for asking Spirit, and thankyou to everyone's kind words and thoughts. Yesterday (Sunday), Mom was looking really good. The doctors expect a near 100% recovery in her motor skills. Today (monday), she has an MRI and few other scans they want to do to see where the blood clot started...
  15. br0ck

    Dem Bears knocked off Cleveland

    Damn those bears!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. br0ck

    Gonzo wins 2001 World Series

    About damn time those Wankees get beat!:beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug:
  17. br0ck

    Pretty bad day today.

    UPDATE! 24 hours after mother's stroke, she has got quite a bit feeling and range of motion back to the right side of her body. Matter of fact, she can almost walk on her own already. The doc is very encouraged, and so is our family. Thank you Xibase for your concerns, thoughts, and...
  18. br0ck

    Pretty bad day today.

    I got a call this afternoon from my sister that my mother was admitted to the hospital here in town. My mother of age 59 had a mild stroke today. I was with her most of day and will be for the upcoming time as well. I wanted to let everyone know, if you don't see me giving you a hard time, or...
  19. br0ck


    Fuser, you should be easy on your Maple Leafs. "I've seen teams that sucked, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that have ever sucked."
  20. br0ck


    bah! He's talking to me!