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  1. Professur

    Cookie Monster is a sellout whore

    The PC monster rears it's ugly head again.
  2. Professur


    Have you tried changing the line filter?
  3. Professur


    It's not bad, but it's not gonna help if the modem is the problem. Beg, borrow, or steal another modem.
  4. Professur


    The cables are always fine. It's my experience that most Dsl problems are in the DSL modem. Usually the ethernet interface, which the telco never, ever checks.
  5. Professur


    The exchange is where your local phone switch is. Here it's usually a 6' tall wide brown or green metal locker, sitting at the street edge. In a Met area, it'll probably be down a manhole. Even see those holes in the sidewalk covered in 6'x6' steel plates? That's ususally one. Or an electric...
  6. Professur

    Quick, post what you're working on right now!

    Huge, isn't defragging while your downloading kinda retarded?
  7. Professur

    Quick, post what you're working on right now!

    i'm doing phone support for NB. How do I printscreen that?
  8. Professur

    Stupid computer tricks

    I should post pics of some of the laptops that come in, with the "described" problem.
  9. Professur

    Sam/Dennis, check feedback forum

    What's wrong with your user?
  10. Professur

    Beer recipes

    I don't drink enough anymore to make it worth the bother.
  11. Professur

    Anyone feeling hungry?

    That's retarded.
  12. Professur

    Corsair 1GB Flash Drives Giveaway!

    Just another member drive.
  13. Professur

    The sky is falling!

    Me too. And wether the chickens were plucked before, or during flight.
  14. Professur

    The sky is falling!

    My guess would be terminal velocity
  15. Professur

    Enterprise cancelled

    I couldn't bring myself to watch it at all. I remember Bakula wearing dresses too often in Quantum Leap commercials.
  16. Professur

    Whacked story of the day

    *Note to self : bring 60 beers and a camera to No Tact's BBQ this summer.*
  17. Professur

    Missing: trucker, cargo of 3.6 million nickels missing

    That's over three and a half million nickels. It's not like he can just take that as carry on luggage. Or head to one of those new change-counting machines.
  18. Professur

    The Earthquake/Tsunami

    I do have to wonder why so many of the dead wimmen are topless, tho ...
  19. Professur

    Any idea's

    You can rent an optical sensor to test the fan speed. Or just change the bitch. Electric replacement fans only cost $40.