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  1. wine4all

    Please respond: What browser you using & do you have problems with the menu?

    I have opted to stick with Netscape Communicator 4.77. It works fine and the font control is better than Konqueror or Mozilla. But I still have not gotten around to loading Opera yet. Been too busy seeing what Windoze progs run under the new Wine release. Wouldn't it be a hoot if I could...
  2. wine4all


    Have no fear "Q" I will throw my body in front of them to protect you. :eek:
  3. wine4all

    Pizza Frittata

    Those are techniques I have never tried! You will have to give me a "hand" with that :eek:
  4. wine4all

    Pizza Frittata

    I may be in the corner by myself... but I will be thinking of you "Q". Stucco needs patched anyhow. :D
  5. wine4all

    The first Official Canada Sucks Thread

    Oh... you are talking about Canada!?!? I thought this was a thread about Ohio. :rolleyes:
  6. wine4all

    Plans for the 4th

    Jayburner... you're not another damn kiwi are you??? :D Fill out your profile so we can see your homeland proudly displayed!
  7. wine4all

    Here's the traditional fruitcake recipe. Enjoy.

    Not to be too picky... but, shouldn't this be posted in the "Recipe's" thread in the "Libations & Celebrations" forum???? You'll give "Q" (sexiest moderator on two legs) a complex!!!
  8. wine4all

    Whacked story

    That's gotta hurt.... I don't care what galaxy you're from! <IMG SRC="laugh.gif" border="0">
  9. wine4all

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome, be sure to post your pic in the Gallery! We like to see what kind of deviants we are associating with! :D
  10. wine4all

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hey guys! Be sure to post pics of yourselves in the little used but very cool Gallery and/or your profile. If you are too butt ugly then post pictures of your sisters instead. :D
  11. wine4all

    Pizza Frittata

    What?... Do you think you are someone special or sumthin' just because you own the site??? This post belongs in the "Recipe's" thread Neo!!! :rolleyes:
  12. wine4all


    Linux Mall carries GPL versions of Linux distros on CD for about $3 plus shipping. Go to and search on "penguin power cd", but it looks like currently they only have the 7.2 version of Mandrake which I hated :mad:. If you have a cd burner you could download the ISO images...
  13. wine4all

    Time to save somebody's life!

    ...and we all know how he gets those "salty" kisses. :-0 o=8 :D Backwash!
  14. wine4all

    A new flavor of ice cream is out!

    Hmmm... reminds me of an old song we used to sing as kids... "I know an old lady who swallowed a fly, I don't know why she swallowed the fly, I guess she'll die" etc. etc. OK I give up... you and your hubby live in "Wild Kindom".Do you like to dress up and pretend you are the "Crocodile Hunter"...
  15. wine4all

    A new flavor of ice cream is out!

    Huh?... Wonder what the stats are for accidental ingestion of ity bity reptiles while sleeping??? It gives one pause... unless of course one's house is in Indiana and not surrounded by 6.3 billion lizards. Again... I bid thee good night Lady 'Q'. May I recommend the muzzle for your bedtime...
  16. wine4all

    A new flavor of ice cream is out!

    Personally I think 'Q' and A13 are both in denial about their arachnid ingestion. :D But I'm sure there is a 12 step program somewhere that can help.
  17. wine4all

    A new flavor of ice cream is out!

    Yeah... with a nice Chianti and some Fava beans. heheh :D
  18. wine4all

    A new flavor of ice cream is out!

    I ate a cricket once! It was encased in a sucker that said "Linuxcare Licks Bugs". I just could not resist. :p FYI: Statistically speaking we each eat 3 spiders in our lifetime while sleeping. Goodnight "Q"... sleep tight... don't bite the bedbugs! :D
  19. wine4all


    Cool Neo... Is that your 1.2Ghz box or something else? Give us the specs.Which browser are you using? Hey I finally got printing to work through the SMC Barricade router via Linux. I still haven't figured out how to keep Konqueror from causing the modem to dail on local file browsing though...
  20. wine4all

    I think ol' Outlaw's have some puter trouble

    Miss "Q" *being totally proper and above board while at the same time delivering the Hawaian good luck symbol to Gonzo* pardon my ignorance but what is 'ROFLMAO'?