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  1. Fuser Man

    All I want for X-mas is....

    Unc, I already have a DVD player with about 30 DVD's. I got it in Febuary and still no Ishtar in site.:D Outlaw, I could get a PS2, but LOOK at the player I want. It's soooooo sweet!:thup: Q, I'm sorry, I still love you.:love:
  2. Fuser Man

    All I want for X-mas is....

    this DVD player. It's only $620CND. Now the way I figure it is, there's about 100 'active' member here. If everyone pitched in $6.20CND(only $4.03US) I COULD get this for X-mas. Have I told you all how much I love you.:love:
  3. Fuser Man

    Spam Alert!!!!

    I joined,what do I win?
  4. Fuser Man

    Im at school right now :D

    I'm at work right now.:D
  5. Fuser Man

    One word post

  6. Fuser Man

    There's NO Need to Fear....

    Q :withstup:
  7. Fuser Man

    I Need Grammar Help™

    Here's one site that can help. I use it every other day.
  8. Fuser Man

    There's NO Need to Fear....

  9. Fuser Man

    Sorry I haven't been around much...

    Ditto Family comes first, plus we'll still be here when you have time.:D
  10. Fuser Man

    Hey Spirit

    Empty your mailbox.:smash: I just PMed ya.
  11. Fuser Man

    My car, beware Dial-up users...

    hee hee opps! I've got to remember to proof read, or learn to type.
  12. Fuser Man

    Graphics 2

    I thinks there's a rule somewhere that only fellow Canadians can have nudie pics of Spirit.:smash: :D
  13. Fuser Man

    Graphics 2

    thanks Gonzo!
  14. Fuser Man

    Graphics 2

  15. Fuser Man

    My car, beware Dial-up users...

    Where's the baby that sits on the hood? Nice ride man.:thup:
  16. Fuser Man


    Two words I never get tired of hearing....."Braves lose". The Big Unit won a post season game! It's only taken him how many years?
  17. Fuser Man

    Graphics 2

    How do you save it as a Jpeg? When I try to save it, it comes up as the defalt format. :(
  18. Fuser Man

    Aopen CDRW

    Sold to the man with no money! thank saltedeggman
  19. Fuser Man

    AMD giveaway tomorrow!!

    :( Why don't they come to Toronto.:(
  20. Fuser Man

    Greatest Political Leaders Ever?!

    Churchill Trudeau