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  1. unclehobart

    How 'bout dem Hoosiers

    No shit... gramps is going to have a stroke
  2. unclehobart

    Where the hell did we go wrong?

    I still say that a good 2/3 of the homeless out there are lazy and shiftless. The remainder don't need food.. they need psychiatric meds.
  3. unclehobart

    Whats every one doing for easter?

    A christening on Easter? Is there going to be an assembly line? Easter seems to be the biggest date for such a thing.
  4. unclehobart

    Britain's Queen Mother Dies at 101

    Chuck isn't in charge. Queen Elizabeth is. This was Elizabeths mom.
  5. unclehobart

    Gender-accurate Bible

    Nah ... just a nice little jewish boy from the lower east side.
  6. unclehobart

    Where the hell did we go wrong?

    Why are we so concerned with a few 1000 children turning gay when millions of children are being raised by the French? Stop arguing over crumbs when there is full blown genocide afoot. Mondieu!
  7. unclehobart

    Are you fat?

    Im fat... fatter than Russell Crowe. Fatter than 1 1/2 Russell Crowes.
  8. unclehobart

    NFL 2002

    I wont bother watching until Bradshaw suits up again.
  9. unclehobart

    Arafat Calls World Leaders for Help

    The lord helps those who help themselves.
  10. unclehobart

    Where would you never move to?

    But palmetto bugs in locust grade hordes? I've never seen more than three or four in my line of site under the worst of circumstances. The only thing that comes to mind is this certain type of marsh junebugs that are the size of nickles. They only hover over water, like bridges and roads cutting...
  11. unclehobart

    Whats every one doing for easter?

    I would have been in the yard for most of saturday, but it looks as if its going to rain. I'm going to be out in the yard all day today it seems. Sunday is just going to be another day. That means another afternoon of HomeLAN and I parked at the table battling electronic aliens on his LAN...
  12. unclehobart

    Where would you never move to?

    Kennesaw is pretty bad for rednecks, but it doesn't hold a candle to Harrisburg, PA. I live about 10 miles SE of Kennesaw and have never seen these mysterious swarms of X-Files critters. Ku'u and Na here are our rarely visiting Hawaii babelets. They can tell you where the skiing is out there.
  13. unclehobart

    Parents of 80 pound toddler lapping up publicity

    Thats why I said it had to be a put on... das onion.
  14. unclehobart

    Where would you never move to?

    Rednecks, agreed... but rednecks are everywhere. closed minded, agreed... but that describes everything outside of Amsterdam. traffic, agreed... any city over 1 million sucks for traffic. locusts? WTF? disagree. I'm not that fond of Atlanta either... but gas is cheap and real estate prices are...
  15. unclehobart

    Where would you never move to?

    Sorry ... I had too much caffiene this morning. My panties are in a twist.
  16. unclehobart

    Where would you never move to?

    I guess I don't have much of a problem from the napa valley on up. Thats lovely country. My problem is with nutso goverments, obscene real estate prices, traffic, phony hollywood whack jobs. I have never met so many people who put on more fake smiles and attitude in my life. Its all 'hey... were...
  17. unclehobart


    actually more than a few curse words at points.
  18. unclehobart


    I think so. Its a good piece of drama. 11 min long. A few curse words. Sound is a must. It just gets better and better as it goes. No nudity or blood.
  19. unclehobart


    !@#$%ing great flick.
  20. unclehobart

    Where would you never move to?

    I just can't do Jersey and maintain self respect. Tis a stinky industrial yucky.