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  1. T

    Top 10 tunes on your play list

    1. A Welcome Burden - Disturbed 2. Push The Limits - Enigma That's all I have on my hard drive right now :)
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    Well I just resigned from the lightside

    After everyone explained their sides of the story, it is now clearer to me what everyones intentions were. This is something we can put behind us now... for the past year or so, it's been this way, with all the little things beginning to bug us. Now, we're at a point in where everyone...
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    Well I just resigned from the lightside

    No he didn't... I had to remove the contents of your thread though and explain to him better what to try and do.
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    Well I just resigned from the lightside

    Coming from one of the biggest names at Xibase, I am coming in here now to personally thank you as well for being understanding. I hope to get the support from you "BIG BOYS" as I know you have a great infulence on all of your members. My sincerest thanks, Toolbox
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    Well I just resigned from the lightside

    Thank you for the support krusty. I don't know if the other will feel the same.
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    Well I just resigned from the lightside

    I feel that I have to say something here in the defense of Hardware Central... excuse me by doing so. I know there have been many things that have gone on in the past that many of you are very unhappy with. I don't know why I haven't felt the same thing you all have. HWC is still my first...
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    Happy Birthday Toolbox

    Thanks buddy... when's yours?
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    Show your desktops! (Warning: Could get lots of big images)

    I'm the only one with my taskbar on top. :)
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    Show your desktops! (Warning: Could get lots of big images)

    Krusty ... that looks really familiar!
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    A Welcome Burden - Disturbed™

    Thank you so much Neo... you always seem to come to my rescue. Cheers buddy.
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    A Welcome Burden - Disturbed™

    Hi People, Would anyone here happen to have the lyrics to this song? Or, is there a place where I can go to get the lyrics of any song I like? I used to go to but that site isn't as functional as it was before. Thanks for any help you can offer. Cheers, Toolbox™