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  1. T

    Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

    You guys forget that I live in the Philippines. We have cooks that cook, maids that clean, drivers that drive and houses that are cheap to build. Besides, the architectural plans of our house has a spare den for myself... I'll probably be living there most of the time anyway. :) I don't...
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    Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

    Yes... my future Mrs. My fiance. I won the bet! Thanks guys.
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    Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

    Muchas gracias mi amigos... I'm beginning to get the picture. I'll go through it some more and hopefully understand it. Thank you all so much for all the help... my girlfriend's in deep shit now!
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    Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

    Okay, thanks. I'll ask him if he can take a look at it for me.
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    Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

    If any of you here can speak, read or write Italian can you please translate this into English for me... my girlfriend really wants to know and if I find the answer before she does, I'll win the bet... I have to win! Thanks all. SOLO UNA VOLTA (O TUTTA LA VITA) C'era la luna, c'erano...
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    I was carrying the support bracket attached to our crain that lifts the chase boats off the main deck... I didn't bend my knees :)
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    The weekend went very well guys... everything planned pushed through without a hitch. I'm engaged now! One thing that I did not expect was pulling muscles and tearing ligaments on my back. I've been in bed for 3 days now and will probably be needing a wheel chair and walker for the next...
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    Have a good weekend everyone... I'll see you in two or three days. :)
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    krusty... come on over... you still have 18 hours! :)
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    Thank you for all the luck that you're all wishing me. It's 11:30 in the the morning, Friday for me here so I have just about 23½ hours left before I'm engaged. This would be nice for her to read after the fact. Thanks again everyone.
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    Most of the shots will be taken in the day time but I'll make sure that the photographers use the flash anyway. Yes, Xibase and HardwareCentral members will get a 20% discount on any of the dive cruises. :)
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    We'll do, all the pictures should be up by sometime next week. I'll keep you guys posted on how the weekend goes. I think everything will turn out better than I can even imagine...
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    If she says no, I'll kick her off of the speed boat and go to the party. :)
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    Here is a picture of the party and below is a picture of the engagemnent vehicle. I can't get a picture of the speed boat. I'm getting a connection time out. Go to and do a search for a Mariah Z221 Talari on There are two colors so please post in...
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    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    I have no idea why I'm telling everyone here but I just want you all to know that I'm going to propose marriage to girlfirend day after tomorrow. I'm in the mood to get married I think this bind will do us both well. This isn't actually the exciting part. What's exciting is the proposal...
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    What Does Your Workstation Look Like™

    Here's the one I currently use. Since my computer blew up, I have been using my girlfriend's computer which I got for her for her last birthday.
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    Neo is in the hospital

    I sure hope he gets home soon. Get well soon Neo... :)
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    Deciding On Which Videocard To Get™

    Thanks for the tips... I'm acutally going to end up with the Hercules Prophet III. I e-mailed the Chief Editor of Guru3D and he says that his personal favorite card was that... Cheers all.
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    Post Images Of The Hottest Women You Can Find™

    Who is that? She looks familiar but I can't place it... TELL ME!
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    Deciding On Which Videocard To Get™

    Thanks Neo... I'm still reading up on all the other cards. This is the first time I post a technical question... I hope it goes well. :)