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  1. patweb

    Oil Changes by Gender....

    What filter? ;)
  2. patweb

    OH NOOO!!!

    Holy Bat Crap!!!! Kids get in to EVERYTHING don't they. How old is he (10-11 I would guess).. >>"I heard you saying OH!! OH!! GOD!" << This one is easy, you should have told him you were praying. Seems to me that you need a man in your life to explain these things to your son though...
  3. patweb

    Do you believe in fate?

    Yeah, Fate is what happens when you fail to act for yourself. ;)
  4. patweb

    Is time travel possible?

    >>If backwards travel were possible, I am of the opinion that some James Bond super villan of the future would have already done. << A scarier proposition is that it would be possible but there is no future to return from. That gives me the willies!
  5. patweb

    Is time travel possible?

    Here is a little story I wrote on the subject. ________________________________________ The Time Traveler- an original work of fiction Judea, ~20BC. A baby appears in the manger of one Joseph and Mary of Aramathea. There is no indication of how it arrived, and yet it was there. The...
  6. patweb


    I saw one show on Meteors that said that MORE people work in a McDonalds restaraunt than are watching and tracking Meteors within the general vicinity of Earth. F#@#*& IT, everyone gonna die sooner or later (even Bill Gates, that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in itself). I am no longer...
  7. patweb

    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    >>She's a 126 foot steel hull 200 tonne motoryacht.<< For some reason I read this line first. I thought either you were joking or she was a big lady! Anyway, she is sure to jump on the chance to marry you (pardon the pun)! I have been happily married for 13 years. We still do it twice...
  8. patweb

    What possesses them to do this?

    they do it because they love you and want your attention. for some reason they have come to the conclusion that the only way to get the attention that they yearn for is to mess up your stuff. I know, I have two younger bros'- They mess you up, you pay them attention. It's all about...
  9. patweb

    so...what is your favorite smell

  10. patweb

    Just so you guys know

    The FUNNIEST thing I heard is that in the last PowerBall 80% of the possible number combinations were bought and STILL NOBODY WON!
  11. patweb

    Morning beverages

    /Wake up Tea & Cigarette /Wake up again Tea & Cigarette /Shower & Shave Breakfast & Juice Coffee & Cigarette /Work Lots of Tea, Coffee & Diet Coke (& Cigarettes ) Geeze, with all that time peeing, when do you find time to smoke? JUST KIDDING! ;)
  12. patweb

    Morning beverages

    uncle- the word is yuppie. Don't you ferget it. >>I'm into "trying" to drink as much water as possible so when I wake up it's a glass and sitting right next to me is a bottle of spring water. BD << Coffee is 99% water! heheheheeeeee. gulp.
  13. patweb

    Somethin' just ain't right with that boy

    Maybe he's collecting them?
  14. patweb

    Where are you?

    Galactic core, downspin 60' offset x-1883au, y+28.33au, z-relevant. Vector and telemetry is secret. Coming down.
  15. patweb

    Morning beverages

    >>Call me white trash or whatever but I like my instant coffee in the morning. The real stuff makes me all jittery and is a pain in the ass to setup and clean up.<< ONE teaspoon per cup. My bro uses about 50/50 w/water and it makes him sick too. My preferred (CA) drink- Quad Venti...
  16. patweb

    To those who are fortunate enough to have a cable modem...

    The death of broadband! Arghhh..... Hopefully DSL will be in my area before @home dies, or maybe someone bigger will swoop them up (anyone see the article in PC Mag about Juno thinking about REQUIRING users to allow Juno to sell THIER processor power ala Seti as a means to create revenue...
  17. patweb

    I just cut the hell out my finger

    >>cut hand, ohio. flying-hmmm, maybe it's telling you something << That's OJ's alibi too. Right?
  18. patweb

    One word post

  19. patweb

    The Lizard Man

    One day he will meet and marry the perfect girl. An Iguana.
  20. patweb

    MAME !!! Any one ????

    I have a friend using MAME32 and Kalera (SP?) that lets you play MAME multiplayer on the Internet. Apparently this is not new. Have you heard of this?