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  1. patweb

    Isreal problems

    >>Hmm, terrorists = criminals = dont obey the law. Arafat lays down the law. The terrorists decide not to obey. You are talking about a head of state. Should Clinton be killed because he allowed Tim McVeigh to blow up the Federal building in Oklahoma?<< The 'Terrorists' DID obey Arafat, but...
  2. patweb

    Isreal problems

    I don't think there will be any significant positive developments until Arafat is dead. He has completely failed at controlling the criminal element (terrorists). Even in the recent cease fire he ordered. The groups that 'complied' made no guarentee for violence in the 'occupied territories'.
  3. patweb

    Which Lord of the Rings character are you?

    I am FRODO!!!!!!! :p
  4. patweb

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Man how do you get to page 67?
  5. patweb

    Which Lord of the Rings character are you?

    I am, FRODO!
  6. patweb

    We're getting ours, finally

    I think our legal system is BUILT on excuses. Publiizing your excuses just guarentees that the jury will know them so you don;t have to take the stand and actually DEFEND YOURSELF. Lawyers go hand in hand with Public Relations Specialists now adays (ASSUMING YOU CAN AFFORD BOTH, that is your...
  7. patweb

    Why does it have to be on Mondays that you have a case of the "Mondays"?

    Answer: Because you didn't call off Monday! (I did)
  8. patweb

    We almost died again

    Aw, it was nothing. The article said it would have hit France anyway, who cares... (yes, I read it and, yes, I am joking.)
  9. patweb

    Pass the quote guessing game

    Gene Simmons?
  10. patweb

    Ok, fireworks I understand...

    >>I love fireworks!! It's tradition here to pop fireworks during New Years ... a New Years celebration wouldn't be the same without 'em. << Three cheers!! The ENTIRE California Bay Area has been DEPOPPIFIED (Safe and Sane illegal too) for too long. I just shoot my mouth off on the fourth...
  11. patweb

    man wanted

    Hey Putz, are you the web master for by any chance?
  12. patweb

    How to Lie to Your Bathroom Scale

    Nahhh, just flap your arms.
  13. patweb

    I'm just gonna say w000000t. The guy who bids on this must be loaded

    Ok, so she gets $1M and marries some frog. Then divorces him to keep the money. Hell, the marriage could be on paper only for that matter. She doesn't indicate anything about a relationship OR a future. Some some dumb Limey is going to blow $1M? Maybe he can get 1/2 back after the obvious...
  14. patweb

    World's Funniest Joke

    The funniest JOKE is the Brit's sense of humor. That one is BAAAAD. Now on to something completely different. (Python is exceptional Brit humour, I also like "Are you Being Served?")
  15. patweb

    It's dead Jim

    Whaa, another dead bookmark!
  16. patweb

    Cable's fun side

    My access went down again on Saturday. It has been down since then...... Milpitas, CA. Got on ATT chat and 800 people were ahead of me! I waited about 4 hours, finally got in. Yes, they are having access problems in my area and no they don't know when it will be fixed.
  17. patweb

    Hold this man!!!

    Maybe Fury thinks there is a pot-o-gold to be had at 3000 posts?
  18. patweb

    Anthony Quinn died today

    Just thought I would play Cleric and ressurect this old thread cuz Fury hasn't done it yet. And darn, I could have SWORN I had more posts.......... How will I ever catch up? well, reading all these old threads surely isn't inspiration enough!
  19. patweb


    Yeah, like now we get it .......six months later?
  20. patweb

    Office workers warned not to photocopy bums at Christmas parties

    Safety Memo- Attention!! Employees wishing to scan their bums during the Christmas party. Please use the hand held scanner provided by the IS staff and not the Xerox machine downstairs. We had a pretty crappy experience last year due to this problem. Please be advised that the hand...