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  1. freako104


    wont do much. their nihilistic so they wont care. they hate everything and seem to hate themselves as they are killing themselves. no matter that they believe they are going to heaven if they are dying and killing all it shows is how much they hate. killing them wont help. shit. i hate those guys.
  2. freako104


    they only targeted it cause it was foreigners who frequented that area. sick. i cant believe they are still killing innocent people everywhere. this is so pathetic. and its supposed to be a peaceful religion.
  3. freako104

    Everyone post your pic's here! thats the link to my pic. im sorry to all who see it
  4. freako104


    depends on the situation for me.
  5. freako104

    i hate age

    acid theres something you should know. as cool as she is to you and as much as you like her, it is illegal. her parents can press charges(i hope for your sake they dont) but id be a hypocrite. i was 19 and my ex was 13 when we were dating so id say be careful but do go for it. but be careful. i...
  6. freako104

    The next Darwin Award winners?

    the Darwin awards always crack me up!! thanx for sharing that!
  7. freako104

    Moment of silence

    *cries for the victims*
  8. freako104

    Who I am

    hey PT glad you made it. post lots. rock on!
  9. freako104

    Moment of silence

  10. freako104

    What have we learned?

    not much im afraid. HomeLAN i dont see it turning away from the idea of war on terrorism just that we are divided in the idea of nuking Iraq. i have said this on many threads so i know how stupid and jaded it is but i stand by it. i dont want america to attack without just cause. Gonzo i did see...
  11. freako104

    Why don't we kill ourselves & be done with it?

    too true and becareful prof. the PC group cant handle the truth. they may complain about you using the word cunt. which is complete bs cause it describes them very well.
  12. freako104

    Why don't we kill ourselves & be done with it?

    people complain about some of the most asinine things Les. its annoying as hell. its a word. a word you can look up. yes it does have a close relation to the racial slur however thats in pronunciation not definition. i can understand where the mother is coming from but complain f the teacher...
  13. freako104

    September 11th

    around here we will only have a moment of silence each hour but i dont know of anything which is sad. i think it should be remembered and not celebrated but something should happen like a candle vignette(im not sure if i used the right words) especially here(im in md close to DC) and NY.
  14. freako104

    Liberal Media???

    gonzo i took a class on media appreciation and it had actully said that its more right wing although i do agree its become much more liberal. just reporting the facts?? its quite subjective. now ill admit im a liberal but id rather the news be objective although it will never happen. and yes i...
  15. freako104

    Roll Call

    i havent been on here in a long time but i have been on jjr512 and ot central but im here and im back from vaca too.
  16. freako104

    take care all

    i know its early and im not well known here but i wanted to say take care all as im going on vaca for two weeks on sat. take care everyone and have fun.
  17. freako104

    Let them die

    most of the time im humanitarian although this time i have to say i agree with gonzo and let them die. they are breaking the law, they arent doing what they need to in order to survive. they shouldnt be coming here if they arent preparing themselves for whats ahead. and gonzo, the title isnt...
  18. freako104

    Well it's about effing time

    damn straight its about time. ive been wondering when theyd do that movie. curious got any info on Jason VS Freddy? thats another one that was in the making for a long time.
  19. freako104

    I haven't had a cigarette...

    rock on gonzo. youll be fine. jsut mail all your cigs to me. i need them. please?
  20. freako104

    Retailers replacing VHS movies with DVDs

    and one thing i forgot to add prof: some dvds are cheap. ive seen some for $20, ive seen some for $10 and i got reefer madness and night of the living dead for $8 a piece. so not all dvds cost more.