Retailers replacing VHS movies with DVDs


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Seems a little premature.

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Some national retailers, including Circuit City and Borders, are phasing out sales of VHS movies in a nod to the growing popularity of DVDs.

"The people who are buying movie titles these days want to buy them on DVD," Circuit City spokesman Jim Babb said Friday. "People have embraced the technology in a big way, and we're responding to that by increasing the space given to DVD titles."

Some of the Richmond-based electronics chain's stores already have cleared their shelves of all VHS movies. The company will continue to sell VHS movies on its Web site and stock blank tapes and video cassette recorders in its more than 600 stores, Babb said.

Borders is largely phasing out VHS tapes except for sports and exercise videos, said Ann Binkley, a spokeswoman for the book and music seller.

"For a big title, like Harry Potter, we'll bring a limited amount of VHS along with the DVD," Binkley said.

Charles Van Horn, president of the International Recording Media Association, a trade association based in Princeton, N.J., said the move to phase out VHS is premature. He noted that about 90% of U.S. households have at least one VCR, while only about 30% have a DVD player.

"Circuit City will disappoint the 60% of consumers who have a VCR but no DVD," Van Horn said.


New Member
awwwwwwww man!

I guess a lot of places won't get business from me for awhile, I'm one of the 60% who haven't made the leap yet.


im a freak im so proud of that
i dont know how premature it is although i think it should be even since there are still people with only a vcr but people with a dvd player such as me will spend money on dvds. although it does suprise me tht dvds are replacing videos so quickly. cds did replace casettes as quickly as this.


Mushroom at large
Well, they ARE a little more expensive to copy and pass out to your friends. Unless you just buy the DVD and copy it to VHS.


Staff member
I bought the Star Wars trilogy and Texas Chainsaw massacre on VHS and that's it ever.

I've bought about 15 DVDs though. I guess the move makes sense if other people are more willing to buy DVDs too.


im a freak im so proud of that
prof what i meant was that they are selling more dvds than videos. after working in a video rental store the rental rates for dvds and a new release were the same amount(3.66) its jsut that more people were renting dvds. same with suncoast circuit city and others. more people are buying dvds,dvd players, comps with dvd player or video game system with dvd(the main reason i even thought of getting a ps2) and then they buy dvds i also bought the star wars trilogy on video cause its my fave trilogy. but as soon as its on dvd im a buy it when its not selling like hot cakes. and not to sound mean but there is some more to a dvd than video thats why they sell more.


im a freak im so proud of that
and one thing i forgot to add prof: some dvds are cheap. ive seen some for $20, ive seen some for $10 and i got reefer madness and night of the living dead for $8 a piece. so not all dvds cost more.