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  1. bitchen


    The Web really takes all the fun out of this, doesn't it? We should probably pick questions whose answer doesn't come up on the first page of Google results. ;)
  2. bitchen

    Pictures PLEASE

    *sigh* Q's visage remains a Question mark. :cry: ...I'm off to eat that yellow snow...
  3. bitchen


    Does tha mean Unc has the baton? Unc? UNC?
  4. bitchen

    Pictures PLEASE

    "Look before you leap" yet: "he who hesitates is lost." Huh? Still want to see the picture.
  5. bitchen

    Pictures PLEASE

    Arooo?:confused: Please reconcile these two statements. ;) The only link SmartyProf posted was to the Linux chick. You're not getting out of posting a picture. :)
  6. bitchen

    Pictures PLEASE

    Methinks Q is avoiding the whole issue of posting her picture! :(
  7. bitchen

    Pictures PLEASE

    Hey! I want to know what Q really looks like! :p Here's a Q: Click for picture
  8. bitchen

    Armstrong wins again.

    Plus, after having his 'nads operated on! Ouch! :eek2:
  9. bitchen

    Post Images Of The Hottest Women You Can Find™

    Ya know, Princess, I'm going to have to concur with SlingBlade on his choice of your picture!
  10. bitchen

    html question

    take out the word "virtual" make it <!--#include etc. .htaccess may not work unless you're hosed on Apache and your admin lets you do this. Contact the ISP or online docs for your ISP for proper SSI suntac and flags. If Apache x-bit-hack is on, it's just a matter of marking the file...
  11. bitchen

    Pictures PLEASE

    Q- You can post my picture anywhere you want to! (I've shaved the beard off, though, I look about 5 years younger. Better for attracting college girls! :) ) Wait a minute, is every guy that posted a picture a "hunk?" You're not very picky are you? ;)
  12. bitchen

    Movie favorites

    Shoot! I forgot "The Holy Grail" What a silly bunt. :cry2: Oh, and "The Princess Bride" "What you need is a fatty boom-batty blunt!"
  13. bitchen

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Well, Gonzo, Spirit heeded your warnings. Thanks for being nice, Spirit. :) (What was the "ooooOOOoooo bitchen" about?) I put my picture on the picture board. It's up to Neo to post it on the members board.
  14. bitchen

    Movie favorites

    The Shawshank Redemption Blues Brothers Raiders of the Lost Ark Better Off Dead WarGames Arsenic and Old Lace Strange Brew Witness ...about in that order Oh, and Mallrats:
  15. bitchen

    Pictures PLEASE

    Picture Here you go you big whiner.
  16. bitchen

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Thanks for the welcome Thanks for the welcome. Please be sure and spell the name correctly: It's "Bitchen" For the reasons behind this for an arbitrary rationalization. While you're there, check out the rest of, I just moved the new version live last...
  17. bitchen

    online ordering

    Deliverance If "Deliverance" was filmed in your backyard, then it was filmed in my...front yard. Hmmmm. That's a banjo you carry in from your car every day?