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  1. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    CLUE: my father was a dishwasher and so is his brother.
  2. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

  3. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    Fuser Man was right. We must have posted at the same time and I missed his answer. Fuser, up to you!
  4. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    nope! This is a very easy one
  5. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    Thank You! Thank You! No Applause! Heckler in back: That's right, no applause! Clue: He/She is what you do when the owner walks in.
  6. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

  7. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    Is that a clue?
  8. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    Just for acedemic sake: (Z - G) cat (ASC('D') -64) ' VisualBasic Clue ' by bitchen for krusty 'get the numeric offset for capital alphabet offset = asc("A") - 1 'subtract 1 so "A" is in position 1 string1 = chr( (asc( "Z") - offset) - (asc( "G") - offset) ) string2 = asc("D") -...
  9. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    I'm fine, dear, how are you? :) Flav, baby, it's your turn!
  10. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    Correct answer! You went too far with the left side: Z-G = 26th pos - 7th pos = 19th pos = S -or- Z-G = S S cat 68-64 = S cat 4 = S4 Very well done.
  11. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    No. "24" isn't the answer to the symbolic equation, but it's close.
  12. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    Hmmmm, let's check the Members list. Anyone called "24?" Anyone called Jeff Gordon? Hmmmm...nope. You have the right Idea. Go to the members list and find a match...
  13. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    If you guys want a clue, just ask! Do you want it written in Perl? Basic? C++? JavaScript? Java? Lisp? COBOL? (Okay, not the last two) Here's a hint: Think about the letters' positions in the alphabet.
  14. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    HINT: This is not in a programming language. It is symbolic only. My ASC() function returns the ASCII value of the string. cat performs concatenation. Use Google for the rest. :)
  15. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    I think it needs to be name-based alone. Not everyone reads all threads. Clue: (Z - G) cat (ASC('D') -64)
  16. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

    Re: Opps brainsoft?
  17. bitchen

    Game: Button Button

  18. bitchen

    Happy Birthday Darling!

    Can I spank her? Can I? Can I? Ooo Oooo Oooooo! :smash: (She's beautiful, isn't she folks? Just turned 25 I tell ya!)
  19. bitchen

    Web site critique -- NO FLAMES!

    CAUTION: RANT AHEAD. NOT TO BE MISCONSTRUED AS A FLAME. THANK YOU. THAT IS ALL. I appreciate your comments. I have to disagree. First, I cannot choose "a sans-serif font" different from Arial. Notice the tags. Most of them only specify "sans-serif" Unless I want SIZE 1 bold, or it is the...
  20. bitchen

    brothers,girlfriends, uncle...

    I guess Nix and Brainsoft are RL buds.