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  1. Outlaw69

    NCCI pulls workers' flags

    what an asshole..i'm gonna fly a plane into his house.
  2. Outlaw69

    Many thanks...

    stop stalking me!!!
  3. Outlaw69

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    there goes the ****ing neighbourhood :D
  4. Outlaw69

    Rebuild WTC to an even bigger building

    I like the way you think sin2 :beerchug:
  5. Outlaw69


    My sympathies go out to the families and relatives of the victims of this ****ing horrible cowardly terrorist act. I am glad to see you are okay Huge. Ontarioans are sending blood as fast as we can, I have watched CNN all day long...i even saw it live when the buildings collapsed... it...
  6. Outlaw69

    kickbutt boats

    trying driving full blast with no lights in the middle of the night all drunk and on a lake you are not familiar with
  7. Outlaw69

    kickbutt boats

    nice boat. I almost crashed my ex-girlfirends dads boat one night all drunk outta my ****ing mind. it was pitch black and I was going full blast and didn't see the little island come up on me.. I came a **** hair away from killing me and my brother-in-law...I gained a new respect for boats...
  8. Outlaw69

    I'm leaving

    3 more days till I leave....I'm kinda dreading it, because I'm pretty outta shape and its only 10 days of piano moving, just enough time to be sore each day and not really get back into shape from all the piano moving. :D maybe this is what i need to kick off my health regimen.
  9. Outlaw69

    I'm leaving

    for 10 days on wednesday.. My bro-in-law phoned me up the other day and asked me if I wanted to help him move some pianos up in Montreal...Ottawa...Kingston...Halifax..etc etc.. Of course I said yes, I want to hit some montreal bars. The pianos are either gonna kill me or the bars along the...
  10. Outlaw69

    I almost lost my lunch today...

    I would of stood up from the table and pointed at her nose and yelled "HAHAHAAHA!!! YOU BLEW SNOT OUT YOUR NOSE" sometimes its not saying anything that is the most embarrassing, i'd rather have everyone laugh at me.. then pretend they didn't see.
  11. Outlaw69

    Think Britney needs bigger ta tas?

    it would make them easier on the eyes... most times i don't even look at the faces..racks man,racks
  12. Outlaw69

    Think Britney needs bigger ta tas?

    I think every woman on this planet needs bigger racks.
  13. Outlaw69

    Me and my monster

    Dr. Seger of the Hair Transplant Institute is on line 1. Please pick up the phone. Thank god the tyke didn't get your looks.
  14. Outlaw69

    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    I guess his body wasn't used to carrying around that extra weight now...*cough*snarf*cough* ball & chain *cough*snarf*cough
  15. Outlaw69

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hi Angie... pull up a chair and open a few cold ones.
  16. Outlaw69

    I'm stepping down as moderator

    Don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya. :D
  17. Outlaw69

    This sounds fun

    Hell Yeah!!! I'd be all over that ride...and probably my lunch too :D
  18. Outlaw69

    Plans for the long weekend

    Probably end up going bowling tonight with my bro-in-law... as for the rest of the weekend, I have no effing idea....maybe hit the bar and play trivia and eat wings.
  19. Outlaw69


    I was thinking more along the lines of a man dick...something atleast 7"
  20. Outlaw69

    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    There better be a wedding invitation in my mailbox sometime this year mofo. Congrats! TB, i think marriage will look good on ya. Have a great weekend and keep us posted...don't forget the camera..we want pics posted sometime next week.