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  1. kuulani

    Shame on you!

    I'm still here too! :D
  2. kuulani

    Hello - I am back

    hi there, nice to meet you :wave:
  3. kuulani

    You heard it here first...

    aack!! don't ever tell a fat, waddling pregnant lady that she looks as close to normal as she ever will :smash: :p my goal is to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight, before the first child ... that was 50+ pounds ago *sigh* well, at least i know what my new year's resolution will be :eh:
  4. kuulani

    My reasons for hating the military

    my only thought on that is, why blow up the little land we have ... the US has lots of land on the continent it can blow up. go practice bombing somewhere else, not in my neighbor's yard.
  5. kuulani

    You heard it here first...

    I still can't believe that when you come you'll see me at the height of my pregnancy weight ... you'll have to come back when I'm slim and trim :P
  6. kuulani


    ... that's what woke me up from my nap ... the sound of my snore .. yikes!! here i was, hunched over in my seat, sleeping like a baby ... i wonder who saw me? :eek:
  7. kuulani

    Happy Birthday Noite!

    *birthday kiss*
  8. kuulani

    so I attempted it

    :lol: yup, i live dangerously ;)
  9. kuulani

    My reasons for hating the military

    well, at least we got the island of Kahoolawe back, it was recently returned to the state - there are still unexploded ordinance on it, but the navy did attempt to clean it up.
  10. kuulani

    so I attempted it

    I went to an outlet mall on black friday :eek: I just ran into one store, bought myself clothes, and ran out. my husband was circling the parking lot, and I jumped into the car, and we headed home. :D
  11. kuulani

    did everyone run away?

    ... testing, testing ...
  12. kuulani

    did everyone run away?

    So, I'm guessing that your family decided to spend the holidays together, instead of individually? :D
  13. kuulani

    did everyone run away?

    where did everyone go?
  14. kuulani

    40 weeks

    :lol: I didn't need an epidural but I did beg for gas when they pulled my wisdom teeth ... but that brings up another point of nature put it in there and it was stupid science that wanted to pull it out :D
  15. kuulani

    40 weeks

    Personally, if I had a bigger bed, I would love to have my daughter sleep with us. The other night, my husband had to work on the other side of the island, and I had to sleep alone on my bed. I couldn't do it ... I had to bring the baby in with me. That got me thinking, forcing a little baby...
  16. kuulani

    40 weeks

    So, here I was grumbling about having to be pregnant for 40 weeks ... you see, a woman's due date is estimated to be 40 weeks after her last menstruation. 40 weeks, that would mean that a woman is pregnant for 10 months, wouldn't it? So there I was, grumbling because isn't it common...
  17. kuulani

    Day after thanksgiving sales

    *avoiding the malls that day*
  18. kuulani

    Lamest of the lame & best of the best

    ...the post I posted in here this morning disappeared ...
  19. kuulani

    What are you drinking this Thanksgiving?

    I've never been one for jellybeans.
  20. kuulani

    Home Depot

    I didn't flag one specifically for Brada ... what we did was flag every single tree worth saving - that should be enough for everybody. 'Cause we did mention that Brada, Kihei, and Kamala should get a log since they're available :D The trees were ohia and lama. ohia. Metrosideros...