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  1. Fuser Man

    Dumb Win2K question

    Say someone was to buy a copy of Win 2K and install it on 5 different computers, whould there be any problem to network these computers? Should they get Win NT with a licence pack instead? They also want to run their DSL through out their network. I'll be waiting for your replies so I can...
  2. Fuser Man

    Hey Unc

    How was the chicken and steamed cauilflower? and yes, it is wrong to kick a nun in the shins.
  3. Fuser Man


    For some strange reason, I like it when you abuse me.:smash: Give me more baby!:D
  4. Fuser Man

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome to our crazy world!:wave:
  5. Fuser Man

    oh damn ...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: For that you have to come to the world of Libations & Celebrations
  6. Fuser Man

    For sale

    Hey I won! Give me the picture!
  7. Fuser Man

    Who in thier right mind????

  8. Fuser Man

    For sale

    5 cents, and that's Canadian.
  9. Fuser Man

    original food fight thread

    Oh thats it! You're all gonna pay for those smart ass remarks! Takes left over grease from the George Forman Grill and adds some flour. Loads sloppy goo into bowl that was on my head and tosses it back at Q, Gonz and Kruz.
  10. Fuser Man

    'O wau iho ... kuulani

    Do you wear a grass skirt? :D teasing!
  11. Fuser Man

    Will Detroit beat Green Bay

    Did the Lions lose again?!?
  12. Fuser Man

    Oxtail Soup

    Well then go stuff something!
  13. Fuser Man

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Opps, I forgot to say....... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
  14. Fuser Man I know...

    Never said it was!:p
  15. Fuser Man

    Happy Thanksgiving

    :( I'm working:(
  16. Fuser Man

    Well done, flurffmeister

    ^^what he said^^ :thup:
  17. Fuser Man

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: Welcome to out crazy world:wave: Now give us your beer and pizza!
  18. Fuser Man


    Did someone say naked beer women?
  19. Fuser Man

    Harry Potter?

    My boss saw it and she said it was great. She also said it's not for kids under 10. I'll be waiting until it come out on TMN(CND HBO).
  20. Fuser Man

    Will Detroit beat Green Bay

    e-nee me-nee mine-ee moe........