Search results

  1. Mirlyn

    *eye twitches*

    Just because you automatically get accepted doesn't mean you don't get to foot the bill. ;) You still have to take the ACT if you want to get into certain programs or apply for scholarships. It doesn't make college any easier; we too work our asses off. It just makes it easier to take the...
  2. Mirlyn

    First Starbucks, then ...

    We have two of them can have one of ours. :p
  3. Mirlyn

    *eye twitches*

    There are entrance exams for private and specialty schools, but not for most public institutions. I suppose guarantee is a harsh word, more like...first consideration. I don't think they guarantee anything, but its considered so. If you go out of state, you aren't given the same treatment...
  4. Mirlyn

    *eye twitches*

    Well, I guess I should speak for here anyway. In Kansas, if you graduate from a Kansas accreditied High School (basically any public school), you are waived of any kind of entrance exam to a Kansas public college. The only thing you have to do is officially apply to a public school and you're...
  5. Mirlyn

    *eye twitches*

    Labor is indeed cheaper. However, I also mean experience. Gates even said himself that US colleges aren't teaching enough math to be successful software engineers. You have engineering (math), and you have computer science (programming), but no degree that combines the two sufficient for the...
  6. Mirlyn

    *eye twitches*

    True. I have talked to many foregin students who say there is no such thing as automatic acceptance in their countries. They have strict entrance requirements....hardly anyone goes to college. Must be working too. Microsoft and other companies are going overseas (to India primarily) for...
  7. Mirlyn

    *eye twitches*

    Yeah, youre right. I really have no idea what I was thinking there. I remember getting interrupted by someone when I hit the reply button, but don't know where I came up with the response. :retard: Salina, KS. Figures. :retard:
  8. Mirlyn

    *eye twitches*

    wow...yeah, I'm idea what I was thinking....PT is right.
  9. Mirlyn

    Comming soon, video cards

    holy shit.....and I thought chipset fans were annoying....
  10. Mirlyn

    Thought of the day

    Boy, thats no fun. :p I've got one at home I keep forgetting to bring in anyway.
  11. Mirlyn

    *eye twitches*

    If you wanted to look at it as a percentage, then yeah, something like that.
  12. Mirlyn

    Thought of the day

    Thought about doing that....but my boss knows me too well. We'd get a good laugh about it and then he'd probably say something along the lines of..."oh, welp, sucks to be you. :D" Then I'd have to steal his mouse, then he'd do something to my dns settings, and I'd retailiate and turn his...
  13. Mirlyn

    First Starbucks, then ...

    Got 'em here too. Crazy juicers. :p
  14. Mirlyn

    Thought of the day

    All my mice at home are at least optical scroll. My machine has the 5-button it. Got a ball-ed Logitec here at work though. Four button, no scroll. :mad: Freakin budget restrictions mean I can't order new parts...only replacement ones for existing-but-broken ones. I keep...
  15. Mirlyn

    Genome & Seti Information

    So.....whats the name of the game around here? Anyone still in?
  16. Mirlyn

    We've got WORMS!!!

    We're still getting traffic from it. Today there were two people returning after buying their PCs last night and getting infected. I have a feeling it may be another month before manufacturers start shipping pre-patched PCs.
  17. Mirlyn

    ups shopping

    I've decided I need to get myself on a UPS or two. Not because of battery backup (rarely have blackouts) but line conditioning. But, I feel if I'm going to spend the money, I better do it right in case I need them for power reasons later in other environments. Anyone head anything about...
  18. Mirlyn

    "You know what I should have said?"

    20 here, and I do the limit (so does everyone else). I made the mistake of thinking nobody's around in one and got caught (thought it wasn't entirely fair as I was in the zone when the lights came on). The fines double here in them, can't afford to not slow down.
  19. Mirlyn

    Court blocks Do-Not-Call registry

    You know, my friend worked for a telemarketer until we (as a state) started one. The company picked up and moved to Oklahoma and started there. I guess there's a loophole that doesn't require out of state companies to adhere? I don't know how that works (or why it works) but its what I've...
  20. Mirlyn


    woah....judging from the setting (buildings and whatnot), I can see why!