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  1. Mirlyn

    Who's Who? He's the one on first, that's who.

    Thats beautiful! Autum colors and everything...
  2. Mirlyn


    What's the carrier? has some good ones for Sprint.
  3. Mirlyn

    Let's get a starty parted!

    Just making it official.....sign here, please.
  4. Mirlyn

    Let's get a starty parted!

    As opposed to falling in the pool and not getting wet? Well, I guess it is possible. In that case, I'll be the designated making-hot-chicks-wet guy.
  5. Mirlyn

    the most important thing about the World Series...

    Pillows, my friend....pillows....
  6. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    It does sound loose...but faintly. Like theres a little bit of sand in there. Could that amplify to something sounding deep?
  7. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    Thanks Kruz....the shields were tight last I checked, but I didn't actually try to rattle the cats (or any of the exhaust system). I'll check it out first thing tomorrow morning. :) I'll try the fuel filter in the morning too. Picked up a Haynes manual on the way home and it doesn't look much...
  8. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    Yeah, I posted here hoping he too would see it. I'll pick up a shop manual and read more into it. Cool, thanks a lot guys!
  9. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    Usually, yes. I can press it a little harder (and I mean lightly) sometimes to get it to sound louder. Sometimes though just a constant pressure makes them louder. So taking the heads (valve covers, I assume) off would show me what I need to see? Hmmm... Maybe try the filter/additive...
  10. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    Dunno much detail about this kind of there a way to check them myself, or what would that entail?
  11. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    Nothing noticeable. There's always been a slight hesitation at the top of 3rd when I'm on it hard (highway merging) but it'll go away as soon as it throws over (its pretty much normal). I could track down and check the fuel filter. Ever done it before? Where's it at on the stangs? I'm used...
  12. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    It sounds like its coming from up front, but it could be bouncing around on me too. It does it equally when I turn and when straight. If I didn't have a midterm in my class in 20 mins, I'd skip and take it in today. I heard it today in 1st through 4th after driving around for 45 mins. Odd...
  13. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    I had thought about that. However, no smoke (white or black), haven't had to add coolant since July, and the last three oil changes looked normal and its holding its level between changes. I've heard about the head gaskets, but heard it wasn't all that common. I heard it the problems were...
  14. Mirlyn

    rattle from engine....ideas?

    Got a 1999 V6 Mustang coupe with 69k miles on it. Only addon is a MAC CAI. When on the gas I get a rattle. It is inconsistent (fades in and out in seconds) but the pattern/beat of the rattle is fairly steady. It stays whether I'm gently accellerating or even just holding a steady speed, but goes...
  15. Mirlyn

    Which star wars character are you?

    You are LANDO CALRISSIAN! You are SENATOR AMIDALA! is she highly technical? :P
  16. Mirlyn

    Movies in the park

    Sounds like a hell of a party.....makes me hungry just thinking about it. :D
  17. Mirlyn

    backups? naaaaah..... Got any good backup stories? I had a client of mine call me because they couldn't get their outgoing mail to send. Having seen their server when I dird my first job with them, I knew what it meant. They had an old Compaq Proliant...
  18. Mirlyn

    baby dies

    We've had several of those deaths in the past summer. One such case was a woman leaving her kid in the car while she went to work. Supposedly her husband was to pick her up, but he didn't know he was supposed to. Fucking idiots. Why?? Just when you thought people couldn't get lazy enough....
  19. Mirlyn

    ups shopping

    I ended up buying that CyberPower 1500 two or three weeks ago. For shits and giggles, I plugged everything in my room in and then flipped the breaker to test it out. It powered my surround sound system (at movie-listening volume), network components, two full towers, three monitors (19, 15...
  20. Mirlyn

    What am I doing wrong? 3 motherboards of the same type, all no POST

    I had a stick of memory (brand new) that was frying boards. The only thing I can think of is get a new board and processor and all known-good parts (parts you've had in systems before for some time and had no problems with them, not brand new "assumed/looks good" stuff).