Search results

  1. HeXp£Øi±

    Comedy Room

    That baloon joke is one of the highest quality jokes i have ever heard. Continue on with the funniness.
  2. HeXp£Øi±

    NFL & the non-story

    I don't think most people thought of emmitt as a 'great' runningback. Like this year many people didn't have a clue who Barry Bonds was. Maybe it's just that people don't pay attention to sports the way the used to. I've had my eye on Emmit though ever since Eric Dickerson retired.(Who the hell...
  3. HeXp£Øi±

    Looking for some hardware

    Looking for a fair price on a good graphics card, will probably spend between $100-$150 depending on the card. (Moving up from a Radeon 7500) Edit:{No longer need Graphics card} Also need a socket A Athlon/Thunderbird 266 but probably don't want to spend more than $60 maybe a 1.33 or...
  4. HeXp£Øi±

    2002 pennent race

    Time also has been proven to be impossible. Yet here i sit, watching the clock as the seconds of my life wind down....
  5. HeXp£Øi±

    America's Army

    2000th post where? The Gaming, Software & Internet forum?
  6. HeXp£Øi±

    America's Army

    I've downloaded photographs larger then this.
  7. HeXp£Øi±

    Pumpkin Cannon

    It does sound pretty impressive. I think the air pressure around the pumpkin would be equalized enough that the pumpkin might not explode upon takeoff.
  8. HeXp£Øi±

    He got deader, and deader...

    Now why in the hell did i click on this thread? That's just depressing.
  9. HeXp£Øi±

    Playing games while in school - ports blocked

    Most schools will actually let you request to have certian ports open if you have a little more legitamate reason. Mine were blocked for awhile and i filled out a port request form telling them i needed it to use dialpad(i think) and they opened them all right up for me.
  10. HeXp£Øi±

    Tom Daschle has no heart

    Is that a real picture?
  11. HeXp£Øi±

    Childish countries

    ***Shock***Disbelief*** Why would sane people want to repel those who tell the truth? Whatever could they be thinking? Seriously, no surprises here whatsoever.
  12. HeXp£Øi±

    Welcome to XiBase Female Phantom

    I know she's here somewhere because she PMed me. Just afriad of social activity beyond Fragging i guess.
  13. HeXp£Øi±

    Welcome to XiBase Female Phantom

    Funny, i thought i killed you...many times over. :biggun: :wave:
  14. HeXp£Øi±

    Which one?

    The red against this background anyway. It's all relative though. Totally depends on the rest of the page.
  15. HeXp£Øi±

    Did i just get here?

    s'ok. I still expect a detailed explenation atleast ten paragraphs long in latin.
  16. HeXp£Øi±

    Did i just get here?

    Well if i asked then it probably wasn't important enough for me to want to search for it.
  17. HeXp£Øi±

    Did i just get here?

    ...and what is Karma? I mean..i know what Karma is, but what is Karma in this context?
  18. HeXp£Øi±

    Did i just get here?

    I like the darkness here. (Sorry, had the beer for breakfast).
  19. HeXp£Øi±

    Did i just get here?

    No, the truth is you're the've always been the caretaker. I should know...i've always been here.