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  1. HeXp£Øi±

    What new games are comming out i should be looking into?

    What's wrong with it is that i'm a computer junkie. I don't really have to have a reason do i? :sick: All i have to do is line up against console.
  2. HeXp£Øi±

    What new games are comming out i should be looking into?

    aaaack! greeny? PS?! :smash: I've had the PS2 for awhile and the only game i own is ultimate doom. :laugh: I just watch movies with mine.
  3. HeXp£Øi±


    Who knows the amount of emotional trauma and suffering someone is going through that they become desperate enough to take their own life? The point of suicide is to excape pain so you can say it's selfish. We don't think of it as selfish however when someone who is terminally ill or in great...
  4. HeXp£Øi±

    Ok what do ya think?

    Ok that's better, but now i feel like i just ate a lepracon.
  5. HeXp£Øi±

    Ok what do ya think?

    It looks beautiful. The only problem is i don't like it. I rather enjoyed being able to visit the dark side. I was blending rather nicely before. Now i stick out like sore thumb.
  6. HeXp£Øi±

    Zyban Anyone?

    Please expound. How does it make you NOT want to smoke? What are the side affects? Mental/Physiological affects?
  7. HeXp£Øi±

    Hi, I've stopped lurking...

    So glad Aunty M, that you have finally come over to...the daark ssside
  8. HeXp£Øi±

    Server move

    There is nothing wrong with OTC. Fury said it would be just fine and that there would be no down time. Everything is alright. You're all going to be ok. Nobody panic! Nothing to see here...
  9. HeXp£Øi±

    GeforceFX launch party

    I thought it looked a lot more like a dustbuster.
  10. HeXp£Øi±

    No chains can hold me down

    You've got to read it backwards and think "Yoda".
  11. HeXp£Øi±


    Actually i think ms sans sarif is the default winows font. I use Verdana though.
  12. HeXp£Øi±


    Is it just the fonts that are blurred? If so just try changing them. I've lost my default sceme/fonts before by messing around with desktop themes.
  13. HeXp£Øi±

    Crash Cart...stat!!

  14. HeXp£Øi±

    Man dies after DIY boob job

    I was thinking about cracking open my skull and shoving a couple of sticks of ram into my brain to increase my memory...
  15. HeXp£Øi±

    Everyone read

    i counted six
  16. HeXp£Øi±

    The day has come.

    It was almost worth mentioning considering that in the second incident i almost cut a new lexus in half and i have no insurance.(gritting teeth)
  17. HeXp£Øi±

    The day has come.

    Good to be back. Only almost crashed twice on the way up!
  18. HeXp£Øi±

    ATTN: Duronclocker

    Sorry about the slow shipping Dean. I had hoped that you'd receive that board a couple of weeks ago but the person i sent to mail it didn't even attempt to mail it until last week and when they finally got around to sending it the post office told them they wouldn't accept the box i put it in(so...
  19. HeXp£Øi±

    The day has come.

    New Home sweet home! and real bandwidth
  20. HeXp£Øi±

    The day has come.

    (Closes the door and shuts off the lights)