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  1. BigDadday

    Go WVU!

    I must say the Browns lost it themselves they started to play the prevent defense and that gave Maddox all the time he needed to comlpete the come back.Not to mention the penalties we caused.:(:(
  2. BigDadday

    Go WVU!

    Well Acxid lost his left nut and almost your right as well. Nice game tho!
  3. BigDadday

    XP & CD-Writer

    Thnx at least I know I'm not the only one who had this so I now know it wasn't
  4. BigDadday

    XP & CD-Writer

    I am going to all the spots it tells me to go and update with no luck either?
  5. BigDadday

    Happy Newyears you bastiches.....

    Happy New Year all!:D
  6. BigDadday

    XP & CD-Writer

    I have downloaded and installed what HP said to and yes I can burn a disc but why this stupid box?
  7. BigDadday

    XP & CD-Writer

    Now on XP everytime I start it up I get a box that states," Devices or Applicatios Disabled 'CD Recording Software' will cause windows to become unstable. Windows has prevented these drivers from loading. Click here for more details." Now when I do click it states thatit could be my...
  8. BigDadday

    Go WVU!

    Hey Acid watch that left one the unbelivable has also happened with the Cleveland Browns now into the playoffs as a wildcard and here comes the Steelers. Now if the Browns can do it Ohio State can......I hope!
  9. BigDadday

    The day has come.

    :) Safe and pleasant trip.
  10. BigDadday

    ATTN: Duronclocker

  11. BigDadday

    The day has come.

  12. BigDadday

    ATTN: Duronclocker

    I know I'm not around as much as you guys but I am doing other goofy things at the moment but it is like a family here as well which nobody is really slamming someone just here for each other and I do find some posts I don't reply in interesting as I honestly have to say you guys are alot...
  13. BigDadday

    Paybacks a bitch

    They say love is blind but hey who knows Gonzo maybe this will straighten their lives out where they just may become a stable couple as they should have been after their vows were taken in the first place. I know I'm the type who likes to "wish" all couples worked out as my relationship is...
  14. BigDadday

    XP & CD-Writer

    Got this from HP and am downloading it and also have gotten all symantec off of my puter as well so maybe this will work. Please note that Windows XP IDE driver allows the operating system to detect the HP CD-Writer. The HP CD-Writer drives will function as a standard CD-ROM drive...
  15. BigDadday

    Go WVU!

    Hehehehehe I hope it does but then again it can as it has!BD:D
  16. BigDadday

    XP & CD-Writer

    Another thing is that HP has a disk supposedly to use for when you do go to XP but they want $10.65 for it and to me that suks as I would rather be able to download it anyway from the cheap HP people.
  17. BigDadday

    XP & CD-Writer

    Had Norton 2003 and got rid of it for McAfee so it seems there are some files left behind I have to look for. I have a liteon with the nero which I like better so will use that but will try after I do a search for symantec and delete all of it. Any other ideas?BD
  18. BigDadday

    XP & CD-Writer

    TYried it and recieved this message, " C:\ progra~\symantec\s32evvt1.dll an installable virtual device driver failed dll initialazion. Chose "close" to terminate the application. close ignore
  19. BigDadday

    Christmas Present

    Getting a DELL it sounds like hehehe Oh in 25 years I actually got a Christmas card with a tenner in it from my supervisor and that was a big shock peeps.BD
  20. BigDadday

    We need cash

    BigDadday Inc is having financial problems as well and anyone wanting to help this free company out please send as much as you want.:Dhehehe